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  1. Denver_Gopher

    The Midwest is the new home of college football national champions

    Now if they would just put the College Playoff Championship in Minneapolis, Indianapolis or Detroit
  2. Denver_Gopher

    Who do you want to win the Super Bowl ?

    Detroit. Since we can't seem to do it, let's get another sad sack team to come out on top.
  3. Denver_Gopher

    Last 5 full seasons

    Wow. Something wrong here
  4. Denver_Gopher

    Memorial Stadium

    I love this. What a difference we had from today and I would think back in the day was more fun
  5. Denver_Gopher

    Memorial Stadium

    I was there a many times in the late sixties and early/mid seventies. My strongest memory of the stadium is the smell of cigar smoke and more of calm atmosphere. My best memory is outside the stadium where the band would march up University and after they passed us we would rush inside to see...
  6. Denver_Gopher

    B1G vs SEC

    Rooted for Notre Dame yesterday, but no more. Rooting for Penn State!
  7. Denver_Gopher

    SEC armor - hypothetical results

    I have never routed for Notre Dame, until now. Beginning to be for ASU too
  8. Denver_Gopher

    Indifferent to Indiana, but.....

    Once it comes to playoff/ bowl season I always root for every B1G Team
  9. Denver_Gopher

    PJ - WI Home?

    I was taught by a commander in the Army to always look at opportunities and, while I believe he is a Gopher as long as he is wanted, is always looking at opportunities. I don't believe there are opportunities at wisconsin, but if there are, he should look.
  10. Denver_Gopher

    Senior Memories

    Very well done
  11. Denver_Gopher

    Highest Graded QB’s in Week 9

    Only 1 B1G QB on the list
  12. Denver_Gopher


    While it's great to see Indiana doing so well, we can't have them win the B1G otherwise we are alone in the longest championship daught.
  13. Denver_Gopher

    "Big 10 Tradition"

    This is a great tradition that goes back further than I can remember (the 60s). Yes, it is annoying to hear on Wisconsin in the Bank, but great to hear the Rouser at camp randall

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