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  1. C

    Ranking the Head Coaches in the Big Ten (9. PJ Fleck, Minnesota)

    If anyone actually thought that would be the case for the better - Fleck would be at OSU right now.
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    Big Ten Athletic departments' 2024 financial statements: Seven lessons from a data deep dive

    Showing profits for "Athletic Departments" vs. by sport makes this article just about worthless for me. What I would like to know is: what are the football programs generating for profits to see if the current NIL system and expanding budgets for football sustainable. What I suspect is that...
  3. C

    Is it fair that Notre Dame is independent?

    Given where college football is now, it is almost laughable that the conference is going to make a decision on an AAU purity test. It is all about the money. The only question that will matter is: "Can you increase the media rights money by including them?"
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    Charlotte's Mayo bowl game suffered the smallest turnout in its 23-year history on Jan. 3.

    I wrote this before - but I think there was probably greater interest in the pre-playoff consolidation bowls as this forms opinion for what will happen in the playoffs by assessing the relative strength of schedule. After the playoffs start, this reason goes away. For in person bowl games, I...
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    B1G vs SEC

    I am from Wisconsin - so, I never had any hate for Iowa. In fact, I used to like watching them on TV. You will also notice that Wisconsin is not on my cheering list. I am sure this has been posted before by others, but I grew up in Green Bay in the 80/90's. I can say pre-Alvarez, nobody in...
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    B1G vs SEC

    I am quite different. Other than MN, my cheering order (or better put, my 'I would prefer that they won' list) would be: OSU (because they can beat MI) USC (I liked them before they joined the B1G) Illinois (I went for Grad school) PennState (nice fans/game day experience) On the reverse end...
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    The NCAA is considering allowing five years of eligibility for players in all sports moving forward, per an NCAA official.

    In the prior era, I would have agreed with you. However, now with NIL, this is a job like any other job. And as such, give the job to the person based on merit alone. You can no longer hold too many spots based on potential alone now given you may never actually benefit from that potential as...
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    B1G vs SEC

    I generally cheer for all B1G teams playing OOC opponents other than Michigan. This is mainly due to the Michigan grads that I have worked with/known over the years. They are at a place where they have ZERO interest in how the conference is perceived overall. They know that if they lose 1 or...
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    Courts rule JUCO doesnt count against eligibility

    I do not see why eligibility should be limited to any number of years. As long as you are affiliated with the university, you should be able to play. If you wanted to limit the number of years in which you can get a scholarship, I guess I am okay with that. But, as long as you are a student...
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    Max Brosmer and Quinn Carroll commit to playing in bowl game

    For a non-playoff game, no one cares so I didn't even consider that as a possible downside. I think where people have issues is when players sit in a top 10 team so games like the Rose Bowl lose significance. People sitting out of the Duke's Mayo bowl doesn't bother anyone.
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    Max Brosmer and Quinn Carroll commit to playing in bowl game

    I think the 'sitting out bowl games' thing will go away with the new playoff format.
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    Serious conversation

    Coming into this season, I 100% would have agreed with you. However, what Indiana did this year so far is nothing short of remarkable. Now, this is not because Indiana is reinventing football so they can compete with inferior talent. What Indiana has done is get a lucky schedule and win the...
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    My Big Ten Power Rankings

    This seems just like a ranking by record vs. who would win head-to-head. For instance, I love the Indiana story this year and I would love from them to win the B1G. However, they got extremely lucky in that their first game vs. a team that is actually good this year is this week – and, they are...
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    I was wrong

    Sorry, you are correct. I keep flipping between teams. 3 losses minimum from my prior post.
  15. C

    I was wrong

    Lastly, I should add that Illinois should have been in the same situation with Indiana going 10-2 this season. I don't know the next time the stars will align for them again the same way in the future.
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    I was wrong

    Which is just wild to me. Heading into the season, they had PSU, both team from the 2023 National Championship game, and OSU on their schedule. I am sure most went into the season thinking 4 losses at a minimum. Really special season for them.
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    I was wrong

    With the B1G expanding, I thought our last chance at a winning something was meaningful due to the very favorable West being dissolved. Looking at this season with hindsight, THIS WAS THE SEASON if we had put together a more competent team. Literally, all of our games (with the exception of...
  18. C

    Where does the USC win rank in the Gophers' P.J. Fleck era?

    I reserve judgment until the end of the season. If this happened week 10, it would feel more real. As it is now, USC could very easily finish 7-5 and not ranked in the top 35. In terms of importance to a season, I see this as a huge win because this season had the high probably of circling...
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    Damn, USC out of the top 25

    In terms of record, they are 3-2, no other 3 win teams are in the Top 25 and then have a loss to #24 MI. They have only 1 quality win vs. LSU (#13). The reality is that they started the season #23, got vastly overrated after beating LSU and now have resorted to where they were expected to be...
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    Damn, USC out of the top 25

    True on the SEC - but, I think a lot of that has to do with expanding the league and not being able to schedule away from top matchups anymore until late in the season. Take Bama and Georgia in the last 15 years, they have played 3 times (including last week) in the regular season and has no...

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