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  1. McGopherFan


    ah, ya have them something to do on a quiet Saturday.
  2. McGopherFan


    PJ danced back to the sideline. Nice footwork that WR coulda been a DB.
  3. McGopherFan


    2000 with a bad end zone paint job, at home, that TD isn't one.
  4. McGopherFan


    Santa PJ and the Heavy Side Elves come through for you!
  5. McGopherFan


    Are the special teams assigned with making things "interesting" ?
  6. McGopherFan

    Yup, That McGopherFan.

    Yup, That McGopherFan.
  7. McGopherFan

    It looks nice in here!

    So far I like it. Getting used to minor differences. Most of which I expect I will like.
  8. McGopherFan

    Did PJ Fleck cost the Gophers the Iowa game? Absolutely not, says Cory Hepola

    I hold responsibility for the loss against the coaching staff for first half play, especially on the defensIve side of the ball.
  9. McGopherFan

    "After the play"

    Evolution of the rules. Though I cannot explain what those steps were, they basically have been simplified such that the yardage and down portion of penalties offset and the down is replayed.
  10. McGopherFan

    "After the play"

    Clearer than what I wrote.
  11. McGopherFan

    "After the play"

    None of those fouls can occur after possession has changed hands that requires the ball to returned to the other team. The perception can be that the turnover was reversed, but by rule the turnover never occurred. There a small amount of fouls that can and would take a ball away from an...
  12. McGopherFan

    With Thanks to Pompous Elitist, and my apologies to GopherHole - I was wrong!

    My sincerest apologies. The late hit on Johnson would not carry an automatic first down. The unsportsmanlike penalties both occurred after The whistle. With the result in Iowa's ball. My in game comments were misinformed, though honestly held. This version of a late hit does not carry an...
  13. McGopherFan

    Metro Area Viewing for Nov 16

    Where is the hot spot south of the river? We took the PSU season in at Carbone's off Burnsville Parkway. Viewing outside of my home will depend on MrsMcGopher's energy level, but is there any don't miss Gopher viewing location I could table-up at?
  14. McGopherFan

    Early spring baseball at IS Bank, DQ return? Is it possible?

    It never worked out for me to go, but is there any chance of an early season tournament on the diamond at U.S. Bank Stadium?
  15. McGopherFan

    How long have you been on Gopherhole? Thanks to all who have contributed.

    Good to see some new posters. Please for all let us know how long you've been reading/lurking or actually on the board, if the join date by your name is not fully reflective of your involvement. I have always had the same handle/name, and my join date should go back to the original board format...
  16. McGopherFan

    KFAN coverage Wow props

    PA held court today and Monday. Holding Gophers Weekly at the campus. Really, this deserves some thanks for the efforts.
  17. McGopherFan

    Podcasts, media playback s

    Seemed that I heard more coverage this week. I was going to listen back to kfan coverage, but the Gophers Iheart kfan links have not been updated since Oct 23. Any other suggestions?
  18. McGopherFan

    1400 guests

    Welcome. Stick with us! Become members. If you are from Nebraska, thank you for stopping by!

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