That's because mn is a woke ass state... the more I reflect on this situation the more I think Ben may be given 1 more year... and it fkn boggles my mind.... I don't think it's a great chance that happens but I don't think it's 100% that he's gone.....
5 years of building a wining program... we can't just insert a coach who has won at other stops. He needs to be able to take a blank sheet of paper and turn it into a beautiful oragami penguin
If he's taking up a roster spot he better be able to play, especially after 3 years under this coach and his guidance... If Ben is worth any salt as a coach and developer of talent that is...
If we make the NCAA sign him to an extension.. and I will totally flip my stance and be on board for a couple more years. But it's ncaas or I'll give a nit title a pass because teams do get over looked. Anything less it's time for something new...