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  1. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    I agree w/ your comments but hesitate to reply because I don't follow hockey and know little at all about the technical, qantitative aspects of VB. But I haven't missed a Gophers VB match for 6-7 years. My impressionistic & qualitative feelings are that MN has lost VB games 2000-2022 that MN...
  2. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    But one great set per match doesn't cut it at this level of competition, does it? The Gophers were outserved and outhustled and playing from behind all of sets 1 & 2, which seems a pattern v. elite opponents recently. Why aren't the Gophers beating the elite? For the past 3 1/2 years the...
  3. H

    Hugh McCutcheon to start in a new Assistant AD / Sport Development Coach role Jan. 2023.

    Sorry if I didn't explain myself well. I didn't mean defections or transfers during the 2022 season, but players transferring out and season ticket holders not renewing after the current season is over and a new HC is announced, in the case that new HC decision is generally perceived to be of a...
  4. H

    Hugh McCutcheon to start in a new Assistant AD / Sport Development Coach role Jan. 2023.

    If Hugh was "kicked up a notch" to relieve him of the HC position, which is pure speculation and the key word is "if", it would make sense only if the AD is going for an equally bigger-name HC hire, not putting an assistant coach in the HC spot. Moving an assistant up to HC would maybe result in...
  5. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    I thought so, too. Keep our fingers crossed!
  6. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    Maybe WI wouldn't have won one either without a team of graduate students playing in a largely undergraduate league. As for Hugh, his resignation doesn't surprise me especially. His concern has been visible from the cheap seats even. His recruiting has remained excellent, but the team's...
  7. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    Illinois seemed to have a pretty small roster. Only 13 players were in uniform.
  8. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    Yes, and I believe PSU lost in a sweep to Nebraska, the 3rd set ending 25-9. How long has it been since Penn State beat Nebraska?
  9. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    Instead of 'overstatement' I'd suggest 'understatement.' The programs I follow, women's softball & volleyball, have clearly fallen off in W-L records the past 3-4 years. From ascending steadily toward the top in the BIG & nationwide, both programs have shown increasingly disappointing...
  10. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    I only have a tennis analogy. You're only as good as your serve. A hard, deep serve allows the server to take control of the point. A short, soft serve allows the receiver to gain control of the point. OSU's serves were hard & deep. MN's soft serves consistently came in short about mid-court...
  11. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    I guess my point is: What are the Gophers doing with the purported "so much talent"? Getting swept multiple times on their home court and giving up a 2-1 lead against NW. Even to a VB novice like me, the team appears too slow to match the quick-twitch reactions of opponents, who serve harder...
  12. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    Gophers looked sluggish, so slow to start their offense that everyone in the Pav, esp. OSU, knew where each play was going before it started. Gophers hit soft mid-court serves in clear contrast to OSU's crisp serves that went deep in the opponents' court. A team with so much talent should be...
  13. H

    Gopher softball 2023

    Yes, I meant Chavez.
  14. H

    Gopher softball 2023

    Great comments! Easy to agree with. Notes: Dowell was the best SS in the BIG last year, but Oakland is likely even better because of size and range, not to mention hitting. Her line-drive HR to CF was pretty stupendous. The centerfielder hardly had time to turn around to watch it. I've only...
  15. H

    Gopher softball 2023

    Judging from fall ball, this seems to be true of Oakland & Burnett. Any others that fit that description? Just curious.
  16. H

    Gopher softball 2023

    I also saw all of game 1 and left after inning 1 of the second game. I agree with your thoughts, except for the catching: a few too many passed balls & Kinch has a better throwing arm. Hopefully their pitching holds up against top opponents. I agree that pitching and defense could be the team...
  17. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    True, but that doesn't detract from the good that Huseman has done, which was my point.
  18. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    She's a good player. She has a lot to be proud of as a player for the Gophers.
  19. H

    Gopher Volleyball 2022 Season

    True, not bad but it feels not good enough. The program seems to be settling to a middle position in the BIG, not reascending back to the top. I find that distressing.

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