We're nice because we are forced to be nice by our benevolent leaders!
What a bizarre ranking. Laws on "inclusiveness" were listed as a major factor for basically all the top 10.
I'm aware that there's a framing where the hatred isn't blind. I mean, he's a jackass. Sure. Hypocrite. Embarrassment. Follows whims and emotion. Loose cannon. Those are all feelings.
I'll tell you what I had in mind. The absolute national meltdown about kids in border...
No, there was plenty of right wing hatred of Obama that was irrational and not deserved.
Your second sentence is exactly my point. It's a feeling! He's "trying" to undo "much loved'" progressive policies! That's all that matters. HAtE!
Where exactly is the hypocrisy? Most of the...
IMO, there isn't anything she wants, there isn't anything Trump has really done on LGBKTBOTKT. Trans in the military? Is that a huge issue for rapinoe? gay wedding cakes?
They blindly hate Trump. That's it. Just read any Howie post.
My point was that a lot of 30 for 30s have high production value and are great documentaries, and it felt like they mailed the kobayashi one in. Kobayashi is interesting.