Not sure anyone is writing him off...just not sure what you expect people to do...anoint him the second coming of Peyton Manning or Drew Brees? As others have stated, if he is all that, the offers will come from teams, and possibly the Gophers.
The longest ten miles of my life is through Cedar Rapids. Heard about the speed trap years ago from a friend who got a ticket, so I put it on cruise at the speed limit and then impatiently wait to get back "up to speed" once we are through.
I believe attendance will be up noticeably next year, but not sure how much season ticket numbers will improve. You still have the annual scholarship donation fees which are way too high. We gave up our tickets of ten years this year and went to the 3-pack (plus trip to Iowa) with our...
What a complete domination in the second half!! tOSU should maintain their #1 ranking in the CFP. Would be nice to see a BIG national champion...after a Gopher bowl victory.
We switched from season tickets to the "Three Pack" this last year and it worked out well for us. Nice way to get a larger group of friends who don't want to commit to an entire season.
I think they need to clarify tailgating lots vs. "I like to come at the last minute to a game and park close." As a tailgater in Lot 37, it is confusing and annoying when cars show up late and try to drive through and find a parking spot. I get it, but again if the U had people define what...