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  1. W

    Play “Your the Gopher AD”! What’s your move?

    That’s the one I have heard of too. There are probably more you just don’t hear about but I am not sure exactly why FedEx would do that. I watch a lot of sports and have no problem with individuals donating to NIL but unless my employer was getting some tangible business benefit out of it I...
  2. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    I e noticed this too in the couple of Vikes games I have attended. It must be by design but I don’t know why.
  3. W

    Play “Your the Gopher AD”! What’s your move?

    Fortune 500 companies are not going to donate to the NIL. They get nothing out if it. 98% of the people in this state can only identify 1 Gopher player. Garcia. The people that donate NIL money are wealthy individuals that want to feel like they own a team.
  4. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    I honestly don’t know his families economic or religious situation. I do know that some of the kids that I know that are receiving need based scholarships aren’t athletic in the least bit. Again I am sure some kids attend a private school because they like a particular sports program but the...
  5. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    A couple of insults but yet no specifics.
  6. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    I do think if you have evidence of athletic scholarships at private especially Catholic schools you need to come forward with that. Not only would the arch-diocese be very interested, so would the tuition paying families. It is a pretty serious issue. And you haven’t given any specifics(odd) but...
  7. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    I appreciate your level headed response. I will say, I have been around to more than a few private schools in the last 10 years and have also seen the facilities that new schools like East Ridge have. It’s not even close. The newer public schools have facilities that look almost college like...
  8. W


    But I’ll bet you we could get a coach who has coached a D1 basketball game before.
  9. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    You know I went to a private school, won a state championship and heard the same thing from guys that just couldn’t admit they didn’t win because they weren’t good enough at sports. Strangely every kid on my team was Catholic, mostly not rich, went through the parochial school system. And just...
  10. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    There’s poor kids at private schools too. But if you figure out a formula so be it.
  11. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    MN has open enrollment. It happens everywhere. You can’t make kids go somewhere they don’t want to. And you can’t make Catholic kids go to public school to make you feel better about sports.
  12. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    Sports based private schools? Oh boy....
  13. W


    I think we definitely can go lower this year. We got the right people in place to do it and a can’t do spirit. No reason to think this has to be our low point. We can do worse.
  14. W

    All Things 2024 College Football D2 and D3 Thread

    His kid shows up on the first day of tryouts at SJU, puts his jockstrap on backwards and we end up getting post after post about how much he hates St, John’s. Doesn’t seem fair.
  15. W

    All Things 2024 College Football D2 and D3 Thread

    We were talking about the Bethel QB. Is that who you are referring to? Your incoherent ramblings are hard to decipher. After all your posts you are not the only one on Gopherhole who wished your kid would have been good at football….it could have spared us this nonsense.
  16. W


    It was argument by hyperbole, but this might not the type of site for that.
  17. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    Plus Watkins has the Red Goat which is an excellent establishment
  18. W

    2024 MN High School Football thread

    True, but those other factors usually tie you to one location for long periods. Whereas you can see why high level college guys move around all the time. Because there is a possible pot of gold at the end of the journey. It could be spouse jobs but I can’t think of a lot of jobs that take you...
  19. W


    I think people also forget that many of the MN players were worried about their car windows possibly being left open, whereas the Badger players cars were in Madison where the blizzard had no effect. Did that decide the game in Wisconsin’s favor and screw us over? The answer is yes.

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