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  1. G

    Field of 68: Indiana Joins the Field, Rutgers Hanging On (For Now)

    Had the Gophers stayed with their normal non-conference schedule of easier opponents this year, would we be better off at possibly 16-10 or 17-9 but having not played as tough of a schedule? The offense this year is running more efficiently than last year even with the awful shooting from the arc.
  2. G

    If Coyle doesn’t fire Pitino...

    If Pitino is fired at seasons end, how many players from this years team would we expect to transfer? I would assume Mashburn is gone, but how many current players do you think would move? When coaches get fired, do new coaches have to fill a lot of spots typically with spring signings and...
  3. G

    I've Seen Enough

    This is kind of where I'm at with Pitino. I think he knows that he needs to build an identity and culture. I think he realized after the first couple years that run and gun wasn't going to be easy and wasn't going to lead to wins. He changed what the identity was going to be. I would assume he...
  4. G

    I've Seen Enough

    Do you think Pitino knows that developing an identity is important? Do you think that he thinks he is developing an identity and he's just not doing a good job of it? Serious question.
  5. G

    PP: Gophers basketball team needs more from its reserves, and Isaiah Ihnen stepping up

    I wasn't meaning to sound over critical. He can still progress this season and contribute quality minutes. That said, I just meant in the future he could be a solid starting player. Count me in as wanting to see Ihnen get more minutes moving forward.
  6. G

    PP: Gophers basketball team needs more from its reserves, and Isaiah Ihnen stepping up

    Ihnen is looking more and more comfortable on the court, I guess that comes with minutes. There was a play last night, a missed layup, that I think next year he has no problem making. He will get more comfortable with contact, and put on a little weight. He's going to be a nice player in the...
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    This may have been mentioned, but Demir might have the slowest release ever! I can't tell if his shot is just that slow to develop or it seems he's always hesitant and that might slow it down?
  8. G

    Isaiah Ihnen

    I thought Ihnen looked so much more confident. His shot still surprises me with how much arc he puts on it. Love his length on both ends of the floor. Very tough to block his shot and looked much better at being in the right place on defense and was in better position to play help defense on...
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    I saw that too, and immediately my thought was, oh god, they're going to call a tech and give them free throws!
  10. G


    With Gabe's form I still feel more confident with him shooting than with Willis. It also seems to me like Willis shoots deeper 3's than Gabe?
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    So, some posters have said Gabe is having a harder time this year because defenses are keying on him and making him take tougher, closer guarded shots. I'm wondering if anyone thinks that with the way Carr is playing that teams may start to focus on him more, which could get Gabe some better looks?
  12. G

    All Things Kerwin Walton Recruitment Thread (Class of 2020)

    Thanks, I know it's probably in this thread somewhere, but has anyone heard from Walton when he plans on announcing?
  13. G

    All Things Kerwin Walton Recruitment Thread (Class of 2020)

    When do spring recruits start making their decisions? Do they have to wait until after the season?

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