Kickers are Athletes

It makes sense that the kicker would have the most explosive legs.

He should also be on the kick-block squad.
Great idea! I wish he could play a season with the other #9 Daniel Jackson and have two guys on the same team with the same name and number. If they weren't different races they could completely screw with the announcers and refs.

Jackson also ran a 10.86 100m last spring, slightly better than Perich's 10.87, but also a year younger. Regardless, he's one athletic dude.
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He can be our Travis Hunter! Kicker, kick blocker, goal line line jumper, end of half/game jump baller, and why not try him at left tackle?

My favorite Bill Parcells quote, right after the team doctor told him that Matt Bahr wouldn't be able to play....

"He doesn't have to play, he just has to kick".

The fans and media had lots of love for Julius because they liked watching him run down the field and pop someone; but then when someone hits back he goes all floppy. Of course I don't condone cheap shots, and it's debatable if this was even a cheap shot, but I laughed and held no ill will towards Waters. Julius milked this for all it was worth.

The fans and media had lots of love for Julius because they liked watching him run down the field and pop someone; but then when someone hits back he goes all floppy. Of course I don't condone cheap shots, and it's debatable if this was even a cheap shot, but I laughed and held no ill will towards Waters. Julius milked this for all it was worth.
Julius was a head-hunting cheap shot artist POS.

He deserved to get lit up by Waters. I loved it. And it was a BS call to eject was a clean hit.

Never saw fatty head hunt after that game.

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