Recent content by mngg11

  1. M

    Athlon Sports: Ranking 136 FBS Teams (Minnesota No. 43)

    The majority of the rankings state something along the lines of "if x quarterback comes to play, these guys could make a jump" which is the same bullshit I post on here for free lol BTW, if Drake manages games well, we could make a jump!
  2. M

    What was your favorite Patrick Reusse moment?

    This may be one of the most hyperbolic, nonsensical comments I've ever read on this site.
  3. M

    What was your favorite Patrick Reusse moment?

    This topic aside, when you create a social media account under your public identity and publish opinions available for all to read (while also representing yourself as a professional in a particular field, no less), you implicitly accept the consequences of whatever content you put out there. I...
  4. M


    Can you imagine the number of HROs he's been served in his lifetime? It's gotta be in the double digits. That behavior isn't typically limited to one section of life
  5. M

    What was your favorite Patrick Reusse moment?

    Yeah that was a word salad that rivaled some of the drivel I put out there🤣
  6. M

    What was your favorite Patrick Reusse moment?

    It was a fairly common song back then, when Reusse was younger and assumedly less senile (I guess not). It shouldn't have been a total unknown to him at this point, what a dumb hill to die on. And who the hell was the audience he was trying to reach out to?
  7. M

    What was your favorite Patrick Reusse moment?

    This doesn't make sense to me, did Reusse think they were saying ass monkey? Why the self edit? What a weird thing to feel the need to tweet about in the first place.
  8. M

    Seth Davis: Ben Johnson has done an incredible job with this team. One of the elite coaches in one of the toughest jobs in America.

    I'm sorry you let tiktok ruin your capability to understand and contribute gainfully to productive discourse if it isn't a 12 second recap. Don't worry though, eventually we'll die out and you won't need to deal with the inconveniences of reading comprehension or critical thinking cultivated by...
  9. M

    CFN’s “First Look” 2025 Big Ten football rankings (Gophers #10)

    Looks like you took a wrong turn on your way to the hoops board - hit that little hamburger looking button at the site header and scroll down to the link that says "Basketball Forum." You'll find a bunch of other miserable people who you can relate to over there. Cheers!
  10. M

    Scoggins: Word is Mark Coyle wants to build Gophers men’s basketball. What does it mean for Ben Johnson?

    Your take is reasonable, therefore it doesn't fit here because it isn't polarizing enough. You either run with the Johnson apologists or you join the pitchforks and effigy crowd🤣
  11. M

    CFN’s “First Look” 2025 Big Ten football rankings (Gophers #10)

    Indiana will be an interesting watch, don't they lose a ton compared to last year? I also question Illinois' ability to play to a high standard again. I like our odds of 9+ in the regular season this year. Favorable schedule and our experienced defense may be able to make up for any growing...
  12. M

    Conference Realignment Updates

    This looks great, keep those regional opponents as locks. I'm not into putting in the mental work myself, would there be the ability for each team to have a protected rivalry outside of their group? Like, could we have Michigan as a yearly rival? Would that be realistic and feasible in terms of...
  13. M

    Seth Davis: Ben Johnson has done an incredible job with this team. One of the elite coaches in one of the toughest jobs in America.

    I'd love to see a point by point, persuasive argument to the contrary, but I think that's a little beyond your intelligence level. Go back to your spin zone in the corner, junior.
  14. M

    Seth Davis: Ben Johnson has done an incredible job with this team. One of the elite coaches in one of the toughest jobs in America.

    I'd pay to watch Athan Kaliakmanis launch a basketball against the backboard like a missile on an uncontested layup
  15. M

    Seth Davis: Ben Johnson has done an incredible job with this team. One of the elite coaches in one of the toughest jobs in America.

    Fleck established an extremely demanding and commitment based culture in football before the NIL chaos. He had years to cultivate it to the point where, once you're in, it's very hard to leave because of the amount of buy-in required and how pervasive it is amongst the entire team. It's also...

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