Mitch Leidner


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
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He missed some open guys today, but the pass he threw to Maye was a thing of beauty. Our QB is progressing and today should help him and the team a lot. Nice job Mitch!!

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I thought Chuck Long made some good points in discussing some of Leidner's issues and issues with the Gopher passing game in general. Things got better as the game went on. Leidner's mechanics still get messed up every now and then and the ball can be a tick slow coming out, but I thought he played much better today, especially after they mixed in the play-action.

Agree about the Maye pass. That was beautiful. The leap at the end made it even better.

I'd like to see the response of those that claimed he was a DII QB. He is all we need...and a dynamo! We are rolling!!!

When breaks started going the other way (a 14-0 lead negated by offsides) and it started to look like a shootout, then we got behind by two scores, I started thinking this might be a defining moment for Mitch. I was probably as optimistic about his play this year, especially how he seems to be getting better. Well, I have to say I was pretty amazed. He made a lot of really good throws. There's plenty of room for improvement on this team, but I'm convinced he is fully capable of taking us this upward path.

He played great today. He needs to work on his timing on those passes to the sideline getting rid of the ball quicker and leading the WR's more, but that's just nitpicking to an otherwise outstanding game.

He either had REALLY good passes or REALLY bad misses. Not just the throw to Maye, but to hit Fruechte in stride as well...
but then DJ4 could've had a TD and that over throw to MW88....whoa

He's getting there tho, I force to remind myself that he's a soph.

He either had REALLY good passes or REALLY bad misses. Not just the throw to Maye, but to hit Fruechte in stride as well...
but then DJ4 could've had a TD and that over throw to MW88....whoa

He's getting there tho, I force to remind myself that he's a soph.

I put the blame on Jones on that one. He just misread the ball and jumped when he didn't have to.

He either had REALLY good passes or REALLY bad misses. Not just the throw to Maye, but to hit Fruechte in stride as well...
but then DJ4 could've had a TD and that over throw to MW88....whoa

He's getting there tho, I force to remind myself that he's a soph.

Ya, I don't think he'll ever be a top 3 quarterback in the big ten, but I think he can be a good quarterback for us. As long as he isn't turning the ball over, I can live with some of the terrible throws, just as long as he hits some good ones as well.

What did the announcers say today - two pass plays for 40+ yards in the 2nd half. If I would have predicted that before the game, people would be accusing me of drinking again.

He played good. I think his issue is when he puts a lot of pressure on himself to make plays. After that really bad series he had, Limegrover made conservative calls on the next series, and it seemed to calm Leidner down again, and he was good again for the rest of the game.

Still a below average QB. But if he can continue to manage the game they'll have a chance in most of the remaining games.

Does toughness count for something? Because he's got that. The technical problems with his passing (staring down his first choice receiver; not checking down to a secondary target; waiting too long to throw; occasionally overthrowing the wide open guy) drive me crazy too. But I think (hope?) he's getting better with that. Let's not forget the 84 yards rushing today, including a very pretty TD, and the clinching QB sneak at the end.

lets all just be honest for a second. Mitch Leidner is a fricken sophmore. Dude is a gamer, and I feel like we will get few good years out of him.
We just need him to be solid.

Still a RS SOPH.

I have no problem admitting I was one that was calling for Streveler after the SJSU game. Leidner just didn't seem to have "it".

Suffice to say, he's improved leaps and bounds since those opening games. Right now, Mitch is good enough for the talent that is around him. I'm still not sure I'd bet the farm that he'll be the starting QB for the entire 2016 season but you never know.

Side note; Three B1G games so far for the Rodents and unfortunately not a single snap for Streveler. Maybe there'll be an opportunity for him at Illinois.

Mitch showed a lot of poise today. I get the feeling he's a lot more confident than his body language portrays. The Northwestern and Purdue QB's seem more confident on the field, but Mitch made great throws the last two weeks that made all the difference in the outcomes of both games. Without those throws today to IF, DJ and KJM, and the three last week to IF, DJ and DW, we don't win those games. Hard to not select him as MVP both weeks. I think he was truly the key the last 2 weeks. Congrats Mitch. You deserve it bro!!

Still a below average QB. But if he can continue to manage the game they'll have a chance in most of the remaining games.

I didn't think game managers made throws like he did today. Name the seven B1G QB's you'd rather have.

I didn't think game managers made throws like he did today. Name the seven B1G QB's you'd rather have.


To start. I'm sure I could name more. He's not good. It's ok to admit it.


To start. I'm sure I could name more. He's not good. It's ok to admit it.

I can fully admit that Mitch isn't the quarterback that several you mention are currently. Cook is excellent, Lunt has the makings of an extraordinary QB who should be fun to watch for the next few years, and Barrett better be decent (4* and playing with weapons everywhere at tOSU).

But some of the others I question, especially the 3 seniors? You'd take Nova who has been abysmal at Rutgers until this year- adj QBR ratings in the 30s and 40s his Fr-Jr years? Gardner who's a walking turnover and takes more sacks than any QB in recent memory? And Siemian? I root for the kid- gutty performer; but, if he was a gopher everyone would complain that he's too afraid to run and that he never throws a deep ball. Mitch for all his deficiencies continues to improve, and now that Limegrover seems to be allowing him to throw down the field a bit he has shown decent touch on the mid-deep balls the last 2 weeks. Finally, with his improved play, Mitch's QB rating in conference is better than Siemian, Gardner and Armstrong.

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Go Gophers!!


To start. I'm sure I could name more. He's not good. It's ok to admit it.

Siemian would be horrible for our offense. He's good for the spread with quick, short passes. People complain we don't throw it deep enough as it is. With him at QB we would even less because he can't throw it deep. He couldn't even throw it 50 yards on the Hail Mary against us.

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