Attention all GHers in 231!


GopherHole Straw Boss
Nov 12, 2008
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Someone here suggested that since there are so many of us 'Holrs in Section 231, that we should make T-shirts. I think that is a fine idea. Now the question becomes: What bit of snarky, witty witticism do we put on them?

Also, since the game against the yellow chickens is down south this year, we should focus insulting one-liners on the weasels to the east.

Feel free to post any suggestions. Sometime soon I'll put up a poll and get contact info so that these shirts can actually get made.

(below a silhouette of an Axe-head) Chopping Wisconsin down to size since 1948

(below a silhouette of a gas mask) We got our dad gum chili hot!

Why go to Madison for a Halloween party?

More Brew than you can shake a stick at!

231 should roadie to Iowa City. I'll start hoarding beer.

I'm in for the shirts. I'll start brainstorming some slogan ideas too.

why not 4 all G'holers??? I personally have been searching for a all gold suit!

Someone here suggested that since there are so many of us 'Holrs in Section 231, that we should make T-shirts. I think that is a fine idea. Now the question becomes: What bit of snarky, witty witticism do we put on them?

Thanks for taking the lead on this one... I think its a great idea.

However, I like the notion of a wisconsin jab on there it but I think it should be understated, and maybe not the whole focus of the shirt, cuz I'd like to wear the shirt to all the home games, not just the wisky game. And maybe its just me, but I dont like to wear a Border Battle t-shirt to the Michigan State game. I'd like to see some sort of reference to 231 on the front, and the snarky witticism written smaller on the back.

lets keep the ideas flowing.....

oh yeah im in row 22.

shirt ideas

I'm in for a shirt. I think it needs to be something taking a dig at a team (obvious), or stating in some way that we're not ready to sit down, be quiet and complain that we're 64 years old and its cold out. if its good enough it should be something that can start a section name that can be carried on through the years. problem is, i'm just not that good...a couple of ideas below:

231...we'd still be a section over if we went to wisconsin

231...they made us sit in the corner because we won't be quiet

I can guarantee that the folks in our group will be standing in row 9 as well...and I definitely like the idea of a unified t-shirt as well! A few more ideas:

231...Sitting in the Sun
231...We Hate Iowa Out Here Too

I like 'Tremendous' the best.

Oh and Rock, I got a guy who does shirts that I've worked with for years if you are looking for friend rates.

I hired a graphic designer last week to design a logo for our tailgate group (Minnesota Pride on Turf Tailgate & BBQ) and his designs blow me away. However we had to be careful not to infringe on any U logos. The logo can be used for print, silkscreen or embroidery.

I'm 100% with the idea of Section 231 shirts.

The runner up idea for Sour's and my Beerfest team name that could also work as a slogan, or perhaps writing on the back of the shirt... Grow Up. As in, Section 231... Grow Up!

Just make sure you schlubs stay out of 232. We don't need any of your raucous behaviour or cheering, especially at a football game.

I'll be on the lookout for your shirts.

I like the tremendous one...just made me chuckle.

I am feeling kinda dumb here, so somebody help me out....what is the inside joke that makes the word "Tremendous" funny on a shirt??

Did I miss something? I guess I dont read every thread on here.

I am feeling kinda dumb here, so somebody help me out....what is the inside joke that makes the word "Tremendous" funny on a shirt??

Did I miss something? I guess I dont read every thread on here.

It's a reference to the fact that Brew says Tremendous a lot in interviews when describing something he likes.

231...Richer than the student section. (though with opposite emphasis on secTION)
231...You wish you could sit here.
231...Showing the students how it's done.
231...Smugglers of rum. (though I do not condone the smuggling of alcohol into stadiums) ;)
231...Gopher Gentleman. (can not say that Sour will stick to that after too many Turkish Delights and beer bongs.)

I have no clue...just throwing it out there.

Just make sure you schlubs stay out of 232. We don't need any of your raucous behaviour or cheering, especially at a football game.

I'll be on the lookout for your shirts.

Can I get an honorary 231 shirt? I have an aisle seat in 232. But I suppose that's like asking if I can be a Minnesotan when I live in Hudson or La Crosse...

On the front "Section 231 of the Vault"

On the back "Bringin' our own refreshments...since 2009"

(shadow outline picture of flask)

then in smaller print at the bottom of the back, below the flask picture

"Oh yeah, and F*** Wisconsin"

On the front "Section 231 of the Vault"

On the back "Bringin' our own refreshments...since 2009"

(shadow outline picture of flask)

then in smaller print at the bottom of the back, below the flask picture

"Oh yeah, and F*** Wisconsin"

I think that would be a tremendous shirt ;)

On the front "Section 231 of the Vault"

On the back "Bringin' our own refreshments...since 2009"

(shadow outline picture of flask)

then in smaller print at the bottom of the back, below the flask picture

"Oh yeah, and F*** Wisconsin"

I like it...though how about rather than "Bringin' our own refreshments...since 2009" we have "More drinks than the suites...since 2009"

I gotta go with 'tremendous' or 'grow up'....short and sweet usually works best on these types of projects.

'more drinks than the suites' is also pretty nice, though i'd keep it to just that phrase

We'd challenge ya to a game of flip cup, but ya'll got PLG and Sour :p

I don't know who you are Fugly Pete, but you're a man that clearly know his Flip Cup.

FWIW - koreangopher, Sour and I will be conducting BYOB Flip Cup clinics all season, free of charge.

sec 231 witness of TCF where real fans sit

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