Henderson talks about recruiting


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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didn't the NCAA group the football and basketball scandal into one at usc, and since the Mayo scandal is legit football could take a hit too? did i hear this wrong? i feel like the impending hammer coming down from bush and mayo could sway henderson

lets hope so, I really do not want to see Henderson blocking for USC when they come to play 2010.

About the only thing I can guess in regards to his list right now is that USC, Notre Dame, Minnesota and Michigan are on his mind, and therefore, high on his list. After that, things get pretty dicey. But it sounds like he's going to take more than a few trips to check things out and really do a thorough run thru to see how he feels.

Having said that, I don't see the Gophers dropping off his primary list anytime soon, so I guess that's good right??;)

I think he's a guy who believes in the process. Meaning, he probably doesn't have a favorite, or is hiding anything. We'll just have to hope we make the first cut and make it into the final five.

My guess is Minnesota would have to play in a 2009 BCS bowl and win....then the U of M has a chance of Henderson being a Gopher in 2010. Middle of the pack finish won't do it.

It's cool and all that the Gophers are playing USC, but does anyone else think that series will help USC in landing him?

For whatever this is worth, i am happy to see that he is not jerking schools around and changing his favorite every week or two (we have seen this before). He also has said that he is going to take his time and look at a few schools to make sure it is a good fit for him, this sounds like an adult way to approach things to me. Also he hasnt committed anywhere only to decommit later, and he doesnt strike me as the type to do that, though i have never met him.

I am just happy to see that we are still in the running and i hope to see him playing for the Gophers.

he be playin for pete come 2010, count on it, coach brew aint gonna get him to the league fast like the trojans can do.

he be playin for pete come 2010, count on it, coach brew aint gonna get him to the league fast like the trojans can do.

That doesn't make any sense. Does Carroll have some magical power that lets him bypass the rule that states high schoolers have be out of high school at least 3 years?

good coaches get players to the league faster, pete got lotta nfl connections, more than brew.

he ainta gonna develope the skills playn for brew like he will for usc, plus the competition every day in practice will make him much more ready for the next step.

Do you realize how many USC Offensive Tackles have been drafted since Carroll took over in 2001?

A: 3

how many since brew took over? da big ZIP and that be for all off. lineman, not just tackles.

Yo yo yo he only been there 2 yrs let him hav a cupl mo yeas hell get them OTS to prs.

Junior year of college is the soonest anyone can get to the NFL. We have an O-Line coach that coached the O-Line at USC. Next attempt to slam the program?

seriously....just ignore the massive tool....its not worth it. Save your sanity.

how many since brew took over? da big ZIP and that be for all off. lineman, not just tackles.

I'm sorry...I'm too busy laughing at your ridiculous logic to even bother posting a response. Just give me a minute..............................................There we go. All better now. :p

Yes...it makes tons of sense to compare their drafts when Carroll has been at USC for 8 years and Brewster has been here for 2. Another fun fact for everyone. Did you realize that Carroll has also brought in 6 more recruiting classes then Brewster? Which begs the question, is our coach just lazy on the recruiting trail?

I'm not saying Henderson couldn't become even better while at USC. And I'm not promising that he'll be better if he goes here. No one can promise either. He could be a bust or star at either place. But all your little "quality of team, better practice opponent" nonsense is easily rebuked.

See this year's #2 pick. Jason Smith, OT. What noted FB powerhouse did he play for? Oh yea, Baylor. Or perhaps the #8 pick this year, Eugene Monroe, OT from Virginia. Or this year's #23, Michael Oer, OT from Ole Miss. 4 tackles taken in the 1st round this year. Only 1 came from a "powerhouse" program.

In the '08 draft 5 of the 8 OT's taken in the first round were not from traditional powerhouses. This includes the 2nd tackle taken (at #12)...Ryan Clady, who played for...Boise State.

I could go on. But don't let your lack of facts stop you. I can always use a good laugh. :)

how many since brew took over? da big ZIP and that be for all off. lineman, not just tackles.
"that be for"??? Can someone who speaks jive translate this dullard's posts for me? Is Barbara Billingsly still alive?

you folk keep scratchn each other bout da great gopher. fact is, seantrel ainna commn , he be playin for trojans at da bank sept. 18 2010

you folk keep scratchn each other bout da great gopher. fact is, seantrel ainna commn , he be playin for trojans at da bank sept. 18 2010
What country are you from? I mean English isn't your first language, is it?

I've got him figured out. If you lower your English standards and talk in jive you understand what he says.

Example: Me know USC go to get pros

Translation: I think USC will be a respectable football program in this upcoming season.

you folk keep scratchn each other bout da great gopher. fact is, seantrel ainna commn , he be playin for trojans at da bank sept. 18 2010

I'm still trying to figure out whether we as a fan base should be insulted or not.:confused::confused: I guess once the translation goes through, we'll know for sure.

I've got him figured out. If you lower your English standards and talk in jive you understand what he says.

Example: Me know USC go to get pros

Translation: I think USC will be a respectable football program in this upcoming season.

Nice try, but this is what he's really saying: "I have sh1t for brains, and don't care who knows it."

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PuLk-xoAbuA&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PuLk-xoAbuA&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

holy cow

Why so many negative comments? I believe he will consider Minnesota until we screw it up. If everything is done right, he will be a Gopher. I don't care if everyone in the world is recruiting him, we will get the first shot at earning his trust and it starts with the fans...

Why so many negative comments? I believe he will consider Minnesota until we screw it up. If everything is done right, he will be a Gopher. I don't care if everyone in the world is recruiting him, we will get the first shot at earning his trust and it starts with the fans...

The negative comments are towards the grammar headscout is using in his posts. Hopefully, he thinks it's funny without knowing why it's distasteful.

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