Souhan: Adam Weber "has a better NFL future than Tim Tebow"


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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"Spoke with former Gophers quarterback Adam Weber for today's column. I wasn't joking when I said I think he has a better NFL future than Tim Tebow.

Weber had horrible coaching and little support at the U of M, yet still was highly productive. With good coaching and a great work ethic, I'm sure he can complete more than 46.5 percent of his passes, which is what Tebow did this season.

I'd rather put my money on Weber than Tebow or Brady Quinn. And anyone who thinks that Tebow is somehow a better human than Weber is a religious fanatic. You don't have to quote scripture to be a good human being. I'll take Weber as a guy as well as a quarterback."

Go Gophers!!

I have tremendous respect for Weber, but I also remember the bounce passes he threw. Completely ridiculous article by Souhan and just another backhand shot at Gopher Football.

Truth of the matter is Weber doesn't have a better futute than Tim Tebow and I liked Adam Weber. Weber may be a more accurate passer, but like Tebow he has a noodle arm and he's not as athletic as Tebow. Tebow is faster, bigger and stronger, Weber is gritty as well, but I think he would breakdown taking the pounding that Tebow does. Weber took a beating in college, but thhe way Denver runs their offense he would also take a beating in the NFL and those guys hit alot harder than 95% of the Big Ten. I don't get why people mock Tebow for his religious beliefs, that's what gives him the confidence to be who he is, and to do what he does. Adam Weber seems like an outstanding person as well and will do well in life, but lets be honest Tebow does much more than he needs to from a christianity stand point, there are good people and there are outstanding people. Just because Tebow's standing person doesn't mean Weber isn't a good or even great person and people like Souhan need to understand that.

Weber had horrible coaching and little support at the U of M, yet still was highly productive.

Yes, he produced losses at a record clip.

I'll take Weber as a guy as well as a quarterback.

That's a strange thing to say, coming from a writer who "knows" neither Weber nor Tebow at anything beyond an extremely superficial level.

Tebowmania is primarily religious, I'm not saying he is a bad player, but the mania is well out of proportion to his abilities as a football player, and would be disproportional regardless of how good a player he was.

Tebowmania is primarily religious, I'm not saying he is a bad player, but the mania is well out of proportion to his abilities as a football player, and would be disproportional regardless of how good a player he was.

I don't watch too much NFL, and maybe it started at Florida, but what is with the Tebowmania? He's not the first football player to be outspoken about their beliefs or point up/pray after a touchdown. But nobody made a big deal about it when it was Cris Carter. Is it just because he's an underdog, since he doesn't have the skills to be an NFL QB, but is winning games?

I hope Adam Weber has as successful of a career as possible but Souhan has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

I don't think Tebow is going to be a starter in the NFL 2 years from now, but i'd be shocked if at any point in Weber's career he wins a playoff game as a starting QB.

I like Adam Weber, i'm a Gopher and MN HS athlete homer, so i'm obviously an Adam Weber fan, but i've never seen the media apologize more for a player than Adam Weber. He had a nice career here, he had some atrocious moments and some good moments. However, he was given more slack than any QB I can remember, he played with some talented WRs (Decker, McKnight), and he was given every chance to succeed (he partially did, he's in the NFL).

However, I think Weber is in the NFL because of the coaching staff rather than in spite of the coaching staff.

I don't watch too much NFL, and maybe it started at Florida, but what is with the Tebowmania? He's not the first football player to be outspoken about their beliefs or point up/pray after a touchdown. But nobody made a big deal about it when it was Cris Carter. Is it just because he's an underdog, since he doesn't have the skills to be an NFL QB, but is winning games?

That's partially on Tebow though, there have been tons of religious athletes that felt confident enough in themselves to not make it an issue all the time. The guy used to put bible verses on his face during games.

The guy has gotten undue attention, both good and bad. He is probably hated more than NFL players who have done much worse things than be religious and cheesy. However, the fact that he is getting more attention this weekend than Brady, Brees or Rodgers is insane.

A note to any prospective H.S. qb's out of the state of Minnesota who are...

considering how wonderful it would be to wear the maroon and gold: just take a look at the comments these"Gopher fans" have about a kid who played his heart out for the U of M with NO offensive line...NO running game...only a couple of decent receivers and virtually NO support from the fans at any point in time. Also, he had the bad fortune to play for his last four seasons for a train wreck of a coach, a revolving rotation of offensive coordinators and offenses and NEVER missed a down even when he was hurt.

Yes, these fans are pretty much the face of the fans of Golden Gopher Football.

So, kids...IF you are considering making the U of M your these pages and believe what you read here.

They HATED Adam Weber...even though Weber was constantly bleeding Maroon & Gold and giving EVERYTHING he had for the cause. He should have sued the coaches he had and the fans for "non-support..."

Sometimes I am really ashamed to be a long time Golden Gopher Fan when I read the kind of stuff that is said about a GREAT competetor who played for four years as the quarterback in the WORST situation Golden Gopher Football has EVER experienced. These people are STILL trying to crucify Adam Weber.

This is a pretty damn tough gig if you still want it kids. Just read this site and the "fans" will show you what they are made of...

Personally, I'd like to apologize for the way people have treated Adam Weber and will ALWAYS consider him to be one of the most "golden" of the Gophers during the past decade. He ALWAYS showed up and he was ALWAYS a classy young man.

In your faces Weber bashers....

; 0 (

Funniest thing wren has ever written. Sue the fans for not supporting him? Now that right there is great idea and a lot of college/pro sports coaches/players should jump on that!

I like Weber but Tebow just has "it" he wins! Bringing religion and who is a better human into this is just asinine! Tebow will always be a better QB with a solid future and Souhan an idiot.

Welcome Back Wren

Glad to see you are out of detox again. Maturi wishes you well also and said he is suing you for "non-support".

I don't know who would be the best QB, but Tebow will have a full opportunity to show his capability and Weber may not. Has to do with the fans and expectations. Tebow had a national following and local fans clamoring for him. Weber has neither. If someone gets seriously hurt Weber may get a few games to prove himself. If so, I hope he surprises the Bronco fans. He won't surprise me.

No one owes Adam Weber anything. He got his scholarship money, and that's all he was ever owed. He should be angrier than any of us that he lost 33 games. If he's not, I respect him even less than I already do. Any QB who doesn't want the scrutiny that comes with a free college education is not the guy I want leading my team. Outside of a few sporadic games here and there, his play at QB was shameful and embarrassing for a guy who started 50 games in the Big Ten. Comparing a loser athlete like Weber to a winner athlete like Tebow is so ridiculous a premise that a guy like Soupcan is the perfect "writer" to do it.

Personally, I'd like to apologize for the way people have treated Adam Weber and will ALWAYS consider him to be one of the most "golden" of the Gophers during the past decade. He ALWAYS showed up and he was ALWAYS a classy young man.(

I agree with this statement. Everyone can feel whatever they want about a certain player, but the level of hate Adam got was unreal. I heard it loud and clear every game.

Obviously, the Denver Broncos must not know so little about football that they brought in a shameful and embarrassing QB to be on their roster. Weber was so inaccurate that he is tied for the second most accurate QB in Gophers history.

Obviously, the Denver Broncos must not know so li
ttle about football that they brought in a shameful and embarrassing QB to be on their roster. Weber was so inaccurate that he is tied for the second most accurate QB in Gophers history.

That's like saying Hillary Clinton has the second best set of legs in her family.

That's like saying Hillary Clinton has the second best set of legs in her family.

There are three people in Hillary Clinton's family. There have been a lot more than three quarterbacks in Gopher history.

We have not been an NFL qb factory. His percentage was inflated by the type of offense we ran. Guess I should say offenses, since we changed almost ever year. Good kid and had some great games(MSU), but majorly inconsistent. Whoever mentioned the bounce passes nailed it.

I've disliked Rick Reilly as a writer for a long time, but I really enjoyed his new article on Tebow. Here's the link again, which someone else has already shared (above).

As far as throwing accuracy is concerned, Tebow isn't the most accurate ever, but I believe he did complete something like 30 out of 35 passes in his last college game. And he didn't complete those long passes last Sunday by accident.

I tend to agree with the sentiment of the original article here. I honestly also think, from what little I've seen of Tebow, that Weber's strengths line up better with the pro game. The two factors not really taken into consideration, though, are past coaching/current level of understanding of how both offenses and defenses work, and the chance he's going to get. Given the right coaching and an extended shot, I think Weber could outperform Tebow, but I doubt he'll get either. And that's really no great's just how the game works, especially when there are so few starting QB spots, and such pressure in the NFL to win now (largely due to the short careers of both players and coaches who don't produce right away).

Additionally, someone asked about why Tebow is so famous for being christian, and I think it's a couple of things. One of the big ones is how vocal he is about his faith (he's gone on mission trips, wears the bible-passage eye black, did that pro-life commercial, etc). There are a ton of Christians in the NFL, but few if any communicate their faith as often and as loudly as Tebow.
But I think there's another thing at play here too, and that's his race. There have been plenty of prominent and very religious black athletes in the NFL, and their faith doesn't seem to be as big an issue. I'm thinking here of people like Reggie White, who was a minister (which was widely known primarily because it made for an awesome nickname), and RGIII who's a vocal christian who attended a private baptist university (which I wouldn't have known had I not happened to read a nice profile of him a couple weeks back.) I suspect that it's a little easier for a largely white audience to embrace a white QB as a "good, christian boy" than it is for many of them to do the same for a black athlete (i.e. I've seen RGIII referred to as a 'thug' in message boards and comments sections, which has to be based largely on his skin color, plus maybe his style of hair and clothes.)
I don't think this is necessarily a malicious, horrible issue that needs to be addressed, just seems like it is present in the issue.

Who's Hate?

I agree with this statement. Everyone can feel whatever they want about a certain player, but the level of hate Adam got was unreal. I heard it loud and clear every game.

Are you talking about the hate that spews out of wren's month when somebody suggests that maybe Gray should start or are you talking about the hate that wren has for Joe Maturi?

Wren would like to have you believe that he is the moral compass of right and wrong. The truth is that his inability to understand and allow any opinion about Weber other than his own is the real hate here. He does the same thing when somebody expresses an opinion about Mason other than his own.

One of these guys was drafted in the first round and one was not drafted at all. Not a surprise one is a starting QB in the NFL playoffs and the other has never seen the field at all. I hope Weber gets a chance to play but frankly I really doubt it is going to happen, he's a dime-a-dozen guy talent-wise in the NFL.

I'm not saying Weber is a better QB here, but I bet Webers winning percentage at the U would have been much, much better if he had the supporting cast and defense behind him that Tebow did.

IMHO Weber, was/ is better than people give him credit for.

I don't care about completion percentages, passing yards or the ridiculous QB rating. Tim Tebow is the starting QB in the 2nd round of the NFL playoffs in essentially his rookie year. Tim Tebow has won National Championships and has lead countless comebacks. Adam Weber has none of this. Sure he was a good ambassador for Gopher football, but he doesn't have any winning reputation. Tim Tebow always wins. Souhan is an idiot for even writing this crap.

That's why Souhan is a sports writer and not a coach.

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