Gray tweet on morning workout


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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"Whoever said qb's don't workout hard must not have played for coach kill....that's just what he did to us this morning KILLED!!"

Go Gophers!!

Best part of this? Gray sounded to be bragging not complaining. He really is demo-ing that he wants to be the leader of this team.

Best part of this? Gray sounded to be bragging not complaining. He really is demo-ing that he wants to be the leader of this team.

Yeah, I think Gray is extremely excited about having Kill as the new coach and can't wait to show what he is really capable of accomplishing.

Go Gophs!!

Coop tweeted last week that they had to jog at 6am and how it was killing him.

I look at it this way. They have to work your butt off for 4-5 years of your life. If they make it to the next level, they will be thanking Kill and staff with every trip to the bank for the rest of their life.

I look at it this way. They have to work your butt off for 4-5 years of your life. If they make it to the next level, they will be thanking Kill and staff with every trip to the bank for the rest of their life.

I don't think the motivation is about being an NFLer...most players wont even come close...I do know that the work put in is to win...nothing compares to winning...doesn't matter what level you are at...if you are on a DIII team that wins a National feel like you won a Nat'l title...doesn't matter. I hope Kill can teach these kids how hard you have to work to win and then coach them to victories...all the workouts will be worth it when we carry that Axe back accross the field. Go Gophers!

I'm just glad that are football coach finally has his athletes doing something besides going out partying and swinging 2x4s on people's front lawns.

I'm just glad that are football coach finally has his athletes doing something besides going out partying and swinging 2x4s on people's front lawns.

If done correctly, swinging 2x4s can be one heck of a workout!

Yeah, I was gonna post this as well. Cooper said something like 'What doesn't make you stronger only KILL you lol'

Loving that our guys are getting worked.


I guess coaches cant prohibit tweets. Well they can--but they wont.

tough to do from a workout................ errrr, unless you're on performance enhancing drugs ;)

You do not need to be on performance enhancing drugs. I assume you mean something illegal. There are perfectly legal supplements that can increase your chances for dehydration. My guess is the Iowa players were using something technically legal in an improper way coupled with the extreme workout that made it almost impossible to stay properly hydrated.

Wow, Coach Kill has probably changed the college football landscape by putting his players through grueling off-season workouts. I wonder if this will catch on at other schools?

Wow, Coach Kill has probably changed the college football landscape by putting his players through grueling off-season workouts. I wonder if this will catch on at other schools?

Numbnuts...can you at least make your trite and predictable posts more entertaining?

OK - I almost didn't post this question because I REALLY don't want to turn this into a Mason/Brewster fight so please don't take this as bait, but...

I knew someone who played for both and he stated that Brewster's workouts were far more intense than Mason's, and that the conditioning of the players was much better because of it. If Kill's program is more intense than that, is this just the natural progression of college sports or is it really that Mason's conditioning program was that inadequate?

Not worth discussing Mason's and Brewster's workouts. Each one had their beliefs of what they thought would work. That was in the past. Lets move on.

OK - I almost didn't post this question because I REALLY don't want to turn this into a Mason/Brewster fight so please don't take this as bait, but...

I knew someone who played for both and he stated that Brewster's workouts were far more intense than Mason's, and that the conditioning of the players was much better because of it. If Kill's program is more intense than that, is this just the natural progression of college sports or is it really that Mason's conditioning program was that inadequate?

At quick memory I think Mason's teams had few if any 4th quarter comebacks. In 2009 Brewster's teams trailed in the 4th quarter of 4 of the 6 games they won. In all they trailed in all 6 games they won. That might have something to do with conditioning.

Not worth discussing Mason's and Brewster's workouts. Each one had their beliefs of what they thought would work. That was in the past. Lets move on.

Disagree. I usually yawn at the Mason-Brewster threads as well but I think that the question is something that is beyond that. Is the intensity of workouts getting ramped up across the board in college football or is it only being seen at the U due to changes in coaching staffs and philosophies? Different from the usual Mason-Brew bitch fests IMO.

At quick memory I think Mason's teams had few if any 4th quarter comebacks. In 2009 Brewster's teams trailed in the 4th quarter of 4 of the 6 games they won. In all they trailed in all 6 games they won. That might have something to do with conditioning.

Or it could have to do with the inability of Mason's teams to pass the football with the effectiveness of a High School team.

Disagree. I usually yawn at the Mason-Brewster threads as well but I think that the question is something that is beyond that. Is the intensity of workouts getting ramped up across the board in college football or is it only being seen at the U due to changes in coaching staffs and philosophies? Different from the usual Mason-Brew bitch fests IMO.

Conditioning is one thing. You can train your players to run all day long, and not be tired in the 4th, and all that. I think our teams the last few years have been that way. BUT, something Kill's new strength & conditioning coach mentioned is having explosiveness along with great conditioning. I'm not sure the previous regime focused on quick power and speed as much as the current regime will. I'll be interested in seeing how this team develops over the course of the next couple of seasons. I've kind of felt like our teams have lacked some pop, or "explosiveness" on the field over the years.

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