Get Creative!


The Anti-Sioux
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
First post from a longtime reader.

As the owner of student season hockey tickets, I recieved this email a few days ago from


Plus, we need your help in naming the 2009-10 Hockey Student Section!
We Are...Minnesota is a new student group on campus whose goal is to
promote University of Minnesota pride and spirit at Gopher Athletic
Events. Within our group are student sections for men's hockey, men's
football, and "The Barnyard", the student section for men's
basketball. Like "The Barnyard", men's hockey needs a catchy name, so
we're looking for suggestions from you!

From February 6-10 we will be accepting your ideas via e-mail. We will
narrow down the possibilities to the top three and you will have the
opportunity to text-to-vote at the February 13/14 series or via e-mail
between February 13-20. The 09-10 Men's Hockey Student Section name
will be announced at the last home series of the season.

In addition, if you are interested in taking an active role in We
Are...Minnesota or the new hockey student section, please let us know!

You can e-mail us at [email protected] with all your name
suggestions, involvement interest, or other ideas.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Basically, you can ignore the hockey stuff (unless anyone has ideas for that too). Instead I was hoping to get some creative ideas for the football student section. Should it have a name? If so, what should it be called? Also if there are ideas concerning anything about chants, songs, props (not inflatable fingers), actually wearing GOLD (not maroon) to the games, and general stadium traditions--- I would be happy to forward those ideas(the good ones :)) to these people who seem like they could actually DO something about them.

I realize that college atmospheres (especially the student atmosphere) must be organic things, and not forced, but we will need a good foundation for a fresh start at the new stadium. I have quite a few ideas because, like most of you, i sit around and think about gopher sports a little too much.

I'll get the ball rolling with an idea i read on gopherhole a few months ago. That silence that follows a kickoff (while the ball sails through the air) needs to be filled with something. Other schools give a resounding yell. Notre Dame says "IRISH!" Oklahoma has a long oooooooo and then a loud 'U!' when the ball is kicked. I figure, since we have our own original catchphrase, basically a battle cry, we should use it. A resounding SKI-U-MAH! would sound nice to me (and hopefully terrifying to opposing fans and players).

Let's hear your ideas!

Hand out white t-shirts so we can dress like the team? The White Out?

In addition, if you are interested in taking an active role in We
Are...Minnesota or the new hockey student section, please let us know!

If you have any say, can you please make sure that the student section is not called "We Are...Minnesota" and that anything similar to that: chants, slogans on shirts, etc. is never used? The last thing to do with a tradition-rich program like Minnesota hockey is to start copying Penn State.

It's real simple

"The Minnesota Wrecking Crew"

I'm sure we can get Arn and Ole Andersen to the first few games to give you some pointers on how to wear championship belts.

I'm not a Gopher hockey expert but my suggestion is that you look back at the history of Gopher Hockey and come up with a creative name from that.

A resounding SKI-U-MAH! would sound nice to me (and hopefully terrifying to opposing fans and players).

I like it.

"Skiiii" before kickoff, "uuuu" while the ball is airborne, "mah!" when the ball drops.

And everyone keeps their keys in their pockets.

If you have any say, can you please make sure that the student section is not called "We Are...Minnesota" and that anything similar to that: chants, slogans on shirts, etc. is never used? The last thing to do with a tradition-rich program like Minnesota hockey is to start copying Penn State.

+1 on the stupidity of the We are....Minnesota thing, Joel brought that here and while I like Joel overall I'll never forgive him for that until it dies off. For Penn State it makes sense and has a cadence that makes it work, here it's a polysyllabic disaster.

If you have any say, can you please make sure that the student section is not called "We Are...Minnesota" and that anything similar to that: chants, slogans on shirts, etc. is never used? The last thing to do with a tradition-rich program like Minnesota hockey is to start copying Penn State.


I definitely agree. I hope the 'We are...Minnesota' phrase goes no farther than the name of this student organization, in football, hockey, or any other sport. I think its a cheap copy of a nice Penn St. tradition. Brewster tried to get the students at the homecoming pep rally to do this and it felt forced and awkward.

I hope this student group publishes a flyer or something for each game, like the barnyard does for basketball. It would be easier to teach and coordinate new cheers this way. Since the students have their own entrance we could hand it out at the gate instead of placing on seats on potentially windy days.

Things that I hope stays at the metrodome and never come to campus: inflatable entrance tunnels, goldy feeling like he needs to dress up as someone (gene simmons, william wallace from braveheart, a pirate, etc.), fans (mostly students) leaving early or arriving late, piped-in music, the cannon man's small cannon (get a huge civil war one or something!), opposing fans outnumbering us, and finally..... losses to the wolverines.

Things that I hope return to campus: fans, W's, jugs, axes, and pigs. If i have that, I would never ask for more.

Hand out white t-shirts so we can dress like the team? The White Out?

I am puzzled by this.....White? If we are going to take the effort of handing out t-shirts, why not make them gold? Maybe I'm missing something.

Speaking of shirts, I personally hope the student section shirts are longsleeves. It might start to get cold when october and november roll around. :)

Speaking of the cold, how great would it be to have an outdoor hockey game at TCF bank?!? God knows that would be one of the more memorable events in twin cities sports history. It could be a double header, Wild and then Gophers hockey. Or just gopher hockey if that is too much. One of the concerns they had at Wrigley was that the grass would be damaged by the rink, but we dont have to worry about that with our field. Plus the event would bring a whole ton of publicity, money, and positive recruiting to Gopher athletics if we could pull it off, plus maybe some decent national praise for the university.

Back to football traditions...... Brewster said Sam Maresh would carry The Flag out onto the field for the first game. Why don't we use this as a (minor) incentive to help in-state recruiting? Each game a MN native carries the flag out onto the field, quite an honor in my opinion. Or, a high school football team, bearing The Flag, runs out in front of the Gophers when the maroon and gold takes the field. This high school football team would then get to attend the game and the gopher football experience.

Also, how about the flag (that Maresh takes out) becomes 'The Flag' and have it be an instant tradition in itself, eventually becoming a physical symbol of the team (sort of like Purdue's drum, or Indiana's Rock, etc.) This flag will fly only during home games.

A single gold thong to be handed out to somebody behind the goal post... And be like the guy in the stands at Duke basketball games. Only let's make it a hot chick!!!

men's hockey needs a catchy name

Here are a few suggestions for hockey student section names:

The Mariucci Maniacs
The Mariucci Menace
The Frosted Flakes
The Golden Glacier
Lucia Lunatics
Don's Golden Pond
The Big Chill
The Frozen Fanatics

+1 on the stupidity of the We are....Minnesota thing, Joel brought that here and while I like Joel overall I'll never forgive him for that until it dies off. For Penn State it makes sense and has a cadence that makes it work, here it's a polysyllabic disaster.

Just a theory, but I'd guess in the history of SEC school fan boards, the word "polysyllabic" has never EVER been used, and would be spelled incorrectly by 90+% of their readers!

That was cold and wrong, I know...

I believe there is a kick-off chant...

...that very few do any more. I think the band still does it (MinnMarchDTF?), along with at least some members of the student section. It is timed with the drum line cadence that they do at kick-offs. As I remember it from when I was younger, the words are generic, it's just "Hey-O". The "Hey" is accented and then builds in volume for 4 beats. Then there is a loud "O" on beat 1 of the second measure. It just repeats along with the drum cadence. This is done with your arm up at a 45 degree angle to one side for the first four beats and then moved across to the other for the second four beats. (Not a great description, but I hope you get the idea.) They added the jingling keys somewhere along the way, but it's not necessary.

Speaking of chants and cheers, we don't have to make up all new ones. Some new ones for the new stadium would be cool, but there are a number of them from the past that can be resurrected to connect to the past. I used to usher at basketball games in the band section, so I got to hear them.

My favorite is still the trumpet riff where at the end, the cheer is:

"Eat 'em up, Eat 'em up, Shove it up their end zone!" (Football)

Whatever gets done, the communication is all important. I think lots of younger fans don't know the traditional chants/cheers and can't hear them when it's just the band and some students. If at least all the student section is clued in and participating, the rest of the crowd will hear them and will hopefully join in.

Indiana Rock is the most forced tradition in the history of college sports. It's really lame, particully compared to Clemson where they stole it from. And I must say our Big Bass Drum is pretty bad @$$, except for the fact that our entire is a bunch of dorks and lack in social skills.

If white is good enough for the football team, white should be good for the fans too.

Believe me, I don't get it either. Why the AD has so much trouble with gold is a mystery to me.

A few ideas...

First off, as has been stated, traditions, chants, etc are organic. But there are a few things already in place and others that could start, and communication of these things is key. I think during the Orientation week for freshmen that is conducted now everyone should be welcomed in to the new stadium. Sit them right in the student section. Send out invites to any student season ticket holders (maybe just for year 1) to attend as well so it is one big group that can all learn at once. Have the football team, coaches, band, other sports teams, etc. show up for this on the field as well. This allows everyone to feel connected to the team and new stadium, see what they could be missing if they don't buy tickets (the freshmen), and obviously serve the learning purpose. Every year after it could be open to any ticket holder and obviously all new freshmen.

At this event, you teach any or all of the following:

- SCHOOL SONGS. All of them. The band is there. Put the words up on the massive scoreboard. No excuses from the students for not at least knowing the 5 school songs + Hail Minn.

- Meet the players briefly. By this time in summer, the coaches should have starting lineups pretty close. Go through the team.

- Our football history - make sure to let everyone know we really do have a rich football tradition (6 national titles, etc..) and we aren't JUST a hockey school. Who has played ofr us recently (list out some players in the pros, recent award winners)

- Kickoff chants. I like the Ski-U-Mah thing (maybe explain what it means as part of this). It is 3 audible single syllables and extremely unique to the U. Though I was in band, I was never big on the "Hey-O kick the ball" except that it kind of carried over to hockey (heyo drop the puck).

- What does the band play at certain portions of the game? How does the crowd interact? 3rd downs on defense, 1st downs on offense, band sectional features (T2), Goldy Superman after scores/push-up counts, etc etc.

- Call me stupid, but I really like the Apache song as something to continue for every game. An entire student section doing the dance is fun, and the team can get in to it as well.

- What does the band do during all the cadences? I know (from experience) that sometimes certain games don't leave you willing to move around, but the band does some body movements that would be fun to see 10,000 students perform.

- SHOW UP ON TIME. Stress the team needs fans, from start to finish. They love it when a loud, full crowd is there when they take the field from the tunnel. And a full stadium at the beginning will only help recruiting more. There are no excuses for showing up late when the stadium is like 4-5 blocks from all East Bank dorms and within a 10-minute walk of most student housing in Dinkytown and Stadium Village. Heck, come early and watch the nation's longest and most intricate pregame performance. I personally think pregame is better than most halftimes - more exciting marching style, Battle Hymn, Big Block Ms, Oh my!

- STAY UNTIL THE END. You pay for a football game, and unless it is a night game, what better activities does a student have to do for the 45 minutes they save by leaving in the 4th quarter? They have no traffic or buses to beat. They have a beautiful stadium. We are playing GREAT teams. Why not stay till the end, watch the band, sing Hail Minn, then go off and do whatever?

- Wear gold. They get a free t-shirt already. The student section has been pretty good about this, but just make sure to mention it once or twice again for impact. Despite what some negative nancies have said about the uselessness of wearing all one color - it looks impressive in the stands, shows the fans are interested/coordinated, and provides a talking point for announcers on tv, giving fans/the team more exposure and credit.

Not much else for now. I think this even could be a great yearly tradition.

On the note of outdoor hockey - I am all for it. I think some NHL players were interviewed about the possibility when the stadium started being constructed and they were excited because of how much Minnesotans like hockey.

Also, the band isn't FULL of antisocial dorks... Only some of them.

If white is good enough for the football team, it should be good enough for the fans.

Don't worry, I don't get it either. I've never understood the problem the U has had so often with something as simple as gold.

these types of things can't be devleoped from the top down. they are created from the bottom up by those who go to the games. Bill Schmelzer and his buddies sat in the Coliseum invented 'Sieve' while sitting in the stands after having a few at Jingles....the old Jingles next to the shell.

First off, as has been stated, traditions, chants, etc are organic. But there are a few things already in place and others that could start, and communication of these things is key. I think during the Orientation week for freshmen that is conducted now everyone should be welcomed in to the new stadium. Sit them right in the student section. Send out invites to any student season ticket holders (maybe just for year 1) to attend as well so it is one big group that can all learn at once. Have the football team, coaches, band, other sports teams, etc. show up for this on the field as well. This allows everyone to feel connected to the team and new stadium, see what they could be missing if they don't buy tickets (the freshmen), and obviously serve the learning purpose. Every year after it could be open to any ticket holder and obviously all new freshmen.

Dumb question, but does anyone have any idea how the “traditions” at other schools get passed down to the underclassmen who are new to games? I mean, some stuff like “Jump Around” at Wisky you can figure out simply by watching 1 game on TV, but there are other student section movements at Wisky and other places that aren’t just known. I went to a small D-III school so what few traditions/chants we had were pretty easy to pass on.

Using Ski-U-Mah!

- Kickoff chants. I like the Ski-U-Mah thing (maybe explain what it means as part of this). It is 3 audible single syllables and extremely unique to the U.

Also a big fan of the Ski-U-Mah. I’m also a fan of using this as a 3 part cheer after TD’s (Think I-O-W-A only without the need to vomit). Start with the press box side of the field (SKI!), then student section (U!), then the other side of the field (MAH!). Have flags to match. There’s no reason in my mind that we couldn’t do both.

thoughts on some of the other suggestions...

- SCHOOL SONGS. All of them. The band is there. Put the words up on the massive scoreboard. No excuses from the students for not at least knowing the 5 school songs + Hail Minn.

Love this one. I know the school songs better than several U grads I know which is pretty sad.

- Call me stupid, but I really like the Apache song as something to continue for every game. An entire student section doing the dance is fun, and the team can get in to it as well.


- SHOW UP ON TIME. Stress the team needs fans, from start to finish. They love it when a loud, full crowd is there when they take the field from the tunnel. And a full stadium at the beginning will only help recruiting more. There are no excuses for showing up late when the stadium is like 4-5 blocks from all East Bank dorms and within a 10-minute walk of most student housing in Dinkytown and Stadium Village. Heck, come early and watch the nation's longest and most intricate pregame performance. I personally think pregame is better than most halftimes - more exciting marching style, Battle Hymn, Big Block Ms, Oh my!

Good luck on this! This is not just a Gopher FB issue and being on campus won’t totally solve it.

No freshmen will do the Apache dance during orintation because every other freshmen will be looking at them and judging them. I will never happen. But I promise you they all know it. If they get the thing going it will take off.

I was talking about our Purdue All-American Marching Band. I don't know about The Pride of Minnesota but the band dorks at Purdue are pretty anti-social. I will also challenge you and say that Purdue has a better pre-game show. There are whole bunch of firsts. Like the first formation when Purdue broke military rank(also a first) the Block P. Also the first "floating" flormation. Also full of patriotic songs. Overall very cool.

I will give you that the rotating block M is pretty sweet though.

I can't remember what game it was, but I was watching a basketball game a couple of weeks ago, and they had that Apache song going and people were doing the dance. Those thieves stole our idea!

There is a difference between a basketball game in the middle of the season and freshmen week on campus. Freshmen are pretty unsure of themselves and everyone is judging everyone. Now if you are shirt/in a gorilla suit/etc. things are a little difference.

I would agree getting a bunch of freshmen (or even anyone else) to do some of the movements (Apache, cadence, etc) when its not gameday would be tough. Especially if the only people doing it all as example are band geeks down on the field or in their box. However, it couldn't hurt to try, maybe show the Fresh Prince episode where Carl and Will do it. I think its just important to get students fired up about football, supporting the team, being there on time, etc. Lets face it - we talk all the time about how the majority of the state of MN is apathetic towards Gopher football. Are incoming freshmen excluded from this? Even with a brand new stadium, great games, and hopefully a pretty good team, many students still are not that excited. This is a great way to do it as a sort of preseason pep fest for students to get them pumped that this is THEIR team, THEIR stadium, etc. The best way to build a fanbase for a college team is to start with the students. Treat them right, make the 4 years they spend attending games fun (even if we only win 60% of our games) and they will want to come back.

Also, I have heard good things about the Purdue band, though I have never seen them in person. I still think that the swinging gates to Battle Hymn and the Fanfare/Pageant into Rouser with the Block M are among the coolest things to see. I will hopefully be taking a trip to Purdue the next time we are out there.

When I e-mail these folks, I think I am going to include a link to this thread, so that they can see for themselves what kind of opinions we have are for this kind of thing.

I totally agree that unity and coordination make an average tradition into an awesome one. That is the key.
So what should I highlight for them? Everyone seems to like the Apache song/dance. Some like the Ski-U-Mah kickoff idea. Nobody commented on my flag idea, maybe its lame... i can deal with that! :)

I have a few catchy songs that spring up now and then in the student section, but im not sure that a group with an e-mail address of will accept and promote them. ;) Slightly more profane than 'shove it up their end zone!' although I am a big fan of that cheer as well!

Honestly I was hoping for a list of specific stuff, but this is fine too. The important thing isnt the the specifics. It's the organization and spirit of the thing.

But specific things would be nice...

actually, if the gopherhole's representative to the marching band wants to, could he suggest the Ski-U-Mah kickoff idea to the folks in charge of the pep band for football games? If the band gave up their hey-o thing (which never will catch on with the students like it has with hockey) and led us in something more simple and powerful, the students would take about two or three kickoffs to adopt it. From there, we'll see if the normal folks want to join in.

Its really simple. Just a long crescendo-ing oooooOOOO (with or without keys), peaking when the ball is kicked, then everyone takes a quick deep breath, then a loud Ski! U! Mah! Hopefully we're so damn loud that the returner drops the kickoff. That would be nice.

Also, the Ski-U-mah works for a three sided stadium----i love this idea. We can use the three flags for both cheer ideas. I know the male cheerleaders with the huge flags would love to help lead this. Plus I'm excited that the student section would get the U!! part of the cheer, since this would be the part that resonates the loudest anyways!

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