Vikes VP of Personel thinks Weber will sign with NFL team

Yeah, the key word is 'sign', which means he'll be undrafted and probably just a camp arm. If he is lucky he is on a practice squad somewhere or maybe in Canada.

He must not read this board or know anything about football, everyone here knows Weber sucks (dripping in sarcasm). Weber is having a good year, has he had a couple bad throws and a couple bad plays? Yes, but so has every other QB in the country and he is not the problem.

Weber is not even Top 5 in the Big Ten what makes people think he has NFL Potential? It's like nobody watches other teams play...

That's about the weakest endorsement he could give. Someone asked him if Weber has NFL potential and he said yeah I think he'll probably get a chance in someone's camp basically.

He will sign. And then he will get cut. Kinda like Big Play traye.

he'll be signed on to be the towel boy, or a stand in for the jugs machine if it breaks down.

It's Weber's fault that the Northwestern was 8/11 on third down. It's Weber's fault that the defense gave up nearly 500 yards of offense. :rolleyes:

As soon as a scout asks him to throw a 20-yard out, it's over. Thanks for coming. Bye now.

The scouts actually go by what they see, not what they have already determined to see.

It's Weber's fault that the Northwestern was 8/11 on third down. It's Weber's fault that the defense gave up nearly 500 yards of offense. :rolleyes:

Look, no one is saying Weber is solely to blame this year. Clearly the defense has been awful. There are lots of reasons the Gophers have lost four games already. Adam Weber is one of those reasons.

He must not read this board or know anything about football, everyone here knows Weber sucks (dripping in sarcasm). Weber is having a good year, has he had a couple bad throws and a couple bad plays? Yes, but so has every other QB in the country and he is not the problem.

Hahahahahahahahahaha! Good one! I needed a laugh this morning.


Look, no one is saying Weber is solely to blame this year. Clearly the defense has been awful. There are lots of reasons the Gophers have lost four games already. Adam Weber is one of those reasons.

i would say the defense is the 75% of the reason why we have lost this season. i then would say our kicking and punting has been 24% and 1% is placed on the offense. weber has played very good this year. i think many of you think about last season and look for ways to rip weber. nothing about the final drive was on weber, it was the coaching staff who called a draw play!

but if i was to give 2 reasons why we have lost this season:

1) defense
2) offensive play calling in the 4th quarter.

As soon as a scout asks him to throw a 20-yard out, a screen pass, a 5 yard flat pass, a crossing pattern, or a fade, it's over. Thanks for coming. Bye now.

fixed for ya

I heard one fan say "Weber had at least 10 overthrows today" as we left the game. The problem is, he was 14-23 meaning he had just 9 incompletions. Did he play great? No of course not. But some fans dislike him so much that they have a predetermined opinion on his play and pretty much no matter what he does, they will just find something to complain about. They ignore anything he does well.

He isn't saying that as a burn (or complement) of Weber or of the U. Spielman says that only because he knows the Bears are still out there willing to put any idiot under center.

It's Chaz Walters column, so pretty much an El Sid column. Treat it as such.

And anything that Spielman says is credible

NFL chances

As of now it looks like he will go undrafted as he is ranked anywhere from 17-19 as far as QB's in the draft this year, I'm not sure how many QB's usually get taken in any given NFL draft it seems to be in the range of 11-13. But it looks like he will definitely have a shot in someones camp. Hopefully we can get a couple high profile wins this year to help him move up the boards or at least onto the boards. Maybe he can impress at the combine

But when the guy said he has a chance to 'sign' there are about 600 players coming out this year that have a 'chance to sign'.

He'll get a shot. Camp arm, whatever. He's a tough kid with some (note the word "some") potential. I just don't think he makes his reads quickly enough to succeed at the next level even if the tools are there.

But I'm not going to dump on the kid too much.

He's at about 9500 yards passing, and will have over 10,000 yards by the time he's done. That's going to get you invited to an NFL training camp.

I heard one fan say "Weber had at least 10 overthrows today" as we left the game. The problem is, he was 14-23 meaning he had just 9 incompletions. Did he play great? No of course not. But some fans dislike him so much that they have a predetermined opinion on his play and pretty much no matter what he does, they will just find something to complain about. They ignore anything he does well.

It would also be interested if those same fans consider a very catchable ball that goes through a receivers outstretched hands an overthrow. My guess is that they likely consider all incompletions Weber's fault.

Haven't most Arena League QBs had NFL tryouts?

Are Arena League quarterbacks awful?

Well, they aren't playing in the NFL are they? The AFL field is something like 60 yards long. Imagine what he could do with a shorter field. :D

Well, they aren't playing in the NFL are they? The AFL field is something like 60 yards long. Imagine what he could do with a shorter field. :D

There are a lot of college quarterbacks, only a few each year make NFL rosters. Is that really the standard you set for whether a QB was a good college QB, whether they may the NFL?

There are a lot of college quarterbacks, only a few each year make NFL rosters. Is that really the standard you set for whether a QB was a good college QB, whether they may the NFL?

Opportunity for redemption: MISSED!

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