Who here has said...


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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they are happy with mediocrity or happy with status quo? I've seen this posted several times now. "This is what's wrong with Minnesota fans. They are happy with being mediocre." Someone please find me where all these Minnesota fans are happy with where the program is now. I haven't seen it. Just because someone posts something positive or wants to be positive even when things aren't going too well does not mean they are happy with the program or happy with going 6-6. I think we all want to compete for the Big Ten title every year. I think we all want to see the Rose Bowl.

It just boggles my mind when someone goes off on Minnesota fans because they "don't demand better." What do you want us to do, not show up at games, egg Brewster's house, boo the entire game?

they are happy with mediocrity or happy with status quo? I've seen this posted several times now. "This is what's wrong with Minnesota fans. They are happy with being mediocre." Someone please find me where all these Minnesota fans are happy with where the program is now. I haven't seen it. Just because someone posts something positive or wants to be positive even when things aren't going too well does not mean they are happy with the program or happy with going 6-6. I think we all want to compete for the Big Ten title every year. I think we all want to see the Rose Bowl.

It just boggles my mind when someone goes off on Minnesota fans because they "don't demand better." What do you want us to do, not show up at games, egg Brewster's house, boo the entire game?

Please stop trying to inject logic into the discussion. It confuses people and gets them out of their pleasantly irrational comfort zones.

That said, great post.

GopherHole is loaded with fans who are happy with mediocrity. They are all Mason supporters who loved it when the Gophers went 5 - 7 in the Big 10 and went to a 3rd rate bowl game every year.

GopherHole is loaded with fans who are happy with mediocrity. They are all Mason supporters who loved it when the Gophers went 5 - 7 in the Big 10 and went to a 3rd rate bowl game every year.

The problem is so far Brewster is worse and i for one don't see enough positives to covince me he is getting us even back to Mason level, which granted is avg at best.

The problem is so far Brewster is worse and i for one don't see enough positives to covince me he is getting us even back to Mason level, which granted is avg at best.

I'm sure this wasn't the point of your reply, but I sincerely hope that nobody is looking for Brewster to just get us back to the Mason level.

Mason was brought in to improve upon what was here when he was hired... which he did. Brewster was brought in to improve upon what was here when he was hired... which he has not.

I'm sure this wasn't the point of your reply, but I sincerely hope that nobody is looking for Brewster to just get us back to the Mason level.

Mason was brought in to improve upon what was here when he was hired... which he did. Brewster was brought in to improve upon what was here when he was hired... which he has not.

Agreed 100%.

anyone who still argues for Mason was ok with mediocrity!

I don't think anyone is happy with being average, but when the University hires Tim Brewster after firing Glen Mason what are we to expect? If Mason was not meeting expectations, then how do you justify hiring a guy that had NO experience as a head coach or even a coordinator.

My point is that the Mason era ended because the AD and President did not like the guy. But instead of investing in a coach with some proven qualities, they hired a guy with a good sales pitch and no experience on the cheap. Therefore, who really lost in the end - those of us Gopher fans that want stability in the program. All we have done is set it back another four years before the next guy can hopefully reach the expectations we have. My fear is that nobody with a decent resume is going to touch this job based on its history.

I think we have to remember that this is not the best job in the Big Ten. We do have a nice stadium which makes it better, but compared to game-day atmospheres at Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Iowa and now Nebraska we still trail in that regard. As you can tell, I am at a loss. The best thing we can hope for is a guy like Pat Fitzgerald at Northwestern. I know he would not want the job, but we need a guy that will bring an attitude of toughness and loyalty to the program.

it wasn't like top prospects were flocking to dinkytown to sign up. We could of had Kiffin, but we all know he would of jump ship so quick he would of made the WASP's on the Titanic look humble.

My main point is that if you want to change expectations then you have to be willing to invest and Minnesota is not. Everyone thinks we can be the next Wisconsin, but remember that Wisconsin cut sports and basically put everything into making football work. Their approach was more as an investment into future of their athletic department. Again, the stadium at Minnesota helps, but that was as much an investment in the campus as the football program. If we really want a great coach then we need to cough-up more money to get someone. To do that, Minnesota needs to probably look at cutting some of its sports.

I don't think anyone is happy with being average, but when the University hires Tim Brewster after firing Glen Mason what are we to expect? If Mason was not meeting expectations, then how do you justify hiring a guy that had NO experience as a head coach or even a coordinator...

I disagree...I think the U's mistake was one of miscalculation. They saw that Gopher fans were no longer satisfied with mediocrity. We realized Mason wasn't going to take us to the next level, so they went out and got someone they thought could.

The problem is that they did it on the cheap. I firmly believe Brewster could have been the guy to take us to the next level (and there's still a small chance he could be) but it will take time. The university didn't want to (or couldn't) afford a coach who could upgrade the talent AND was a proven game coach. They knew Brewster would bust his ass to bring in the players, and they hoped that the fans would be patient for ANOTHER ten years while he learned to coach his kids. But a combination of frustration, a taste of moderate success, a new stadium, and Brewster's big talk about Rose Bowls has got the fans wanting to get there sooner rather than later. (This, btw, is where I think a lot of the grumbling about Brew's enthusiasm comes from).
So right now, I'm left to hope that either Brewster puts it together real quick, or the U decides to pay whatever it takes to get the guy the fans wanted in the first place. Unfortunately, I suspect that Brew won't put it together, the fans will continue to call for his head, and the University will go out and get a moderately priced, 'gettable' coach who can put together a pretty offense that will put fans in the stands and get us on some national highlights shows, but won't have enough to make a complete, consistent contender...call him MasonII, mini-Mike Leach...whomever.

GopherHole is loaded with fans who are happy with mediocrity. They are all Mason supporters who loved it when the Gophers went 5 - 7 in the Big 10 and went to a 3rd rate bowl game every year.

I don't really believe that, and think that you probably don't really believe it either. Everyone wants excellence, but mediocrity will suffice in comparison to woeful ineptitude, which is what we was as fans have had to deal with for what seems like forever. I am 44 years old, and have never seen this team make a Rose Bowl, and that is very saddening to me, and I have to wonder if I'll ever see that in my lifetime. The clock is ticking for all of us.

We as a fanbase are STARVED, so is it really any wonder? We have been wandering in the desert for decades, wearing our shirts of hair and subsisting on locusts and nettles, all the while begging for someone to please, please, please come lead us to the Promised Land, the land of milk, honey, and roses- and as of yet, nothing. Silence, and it's like we're right back where we started from, spinning our wheels and going absolutely nowhere.

Sorry. It's just frustration, and I felt I had to vent. Long, looooonnnnnng time reader, first time poster.

Anyway, go Gophers.

When I say demand more,
I mean to invest in the program ourselves and then demand the school do the same. Attend the games, join the goal line club, be vocal from within.
To often, people say, "I'll support the team once they start winning."
I believe, in college, support has to come before winning.
Chicken or the egg argument.
I have my season tickets, I donate what I can, and I want a winner for my $$$$. I don't think the admin listens to people who aren't willing back up their complaining with $$$$$.

I'm happy with winning. The more wins, the happier I am. I'm a lot more happy with 6 wins than I am with 3. I'd be happier still with 10 or more. No one was thrilled in years when he just barely squeaked into a bottom-rung bowl game. But still, that's better than a losing season.

The first Gophers game I remember clearly was in 1979. The Gophers were 4-6-1 going into the last game. I listened to the radio, cheering for the Gophers to win to get back to a .500 record. There are those who would have been cheering against the Gophers because they cease to be fans when the team is mediocre.

they are happy with mediocrity or happy with status quo? I've seen this posted several times now. "This is what's wrong with Minnesota fans. They are happy with being mediocre." Someone please find me where all these Minnesota fans are happy with where the program is now. I haven't seen it. Just because someone posts something positive or wants to be positive even when things aren't going too well does not mean they are happy with the program or happy with going 6-6. I think we all want to compete for the Big Ten title every year. I think we all want to see the Rose Bowl.

It just boggles my mind when someone goes off on Minnesota fans because they "don't demand better." What do you want us to do, not show up at games, egg Brewster's house, boo the entire game?

Right as always my man!

There were posters who fed into Brewster's hype...getting overly excited about Star Ratings & screaming "Rose Bowl!" & are now the same posters pleading "Any Bowl!" at this point yet still defend a coach who has shown no signs of knowing X's & O's...


Don't want Mason back but the Brew Backers have accepted Mediocrity & can't even see it because of their hate for Mason...

There were posters who fed into Brewster's hype...getting overly excited about Star Ratings & screaming "Rose Bowl!" & are now the same posters pleading "Any Bowl!" at this point yet still defend a coach who has shown no signs of knowing X's & O's...


Don't want Mason back but the Brew Backers have accepted Mediocrity & can't even see it because of their hate for Mason...

Get over yourself.

I'd rather have a bowl game than no bowl game.

What I'm asking is "what's changed?"

Mediocrity is still Mediocrity...

Going to "any" bowl game would indicate some progress in the program. And I want to see progress that ends at the Rose Bowl eventually. The bowls that Mase brought us to signaled his ceiling. I believe that this program can reach higher, and I'm looking for signs that we are moving in the right direction. How the end of this year plays out should give us indications of how the program is progressing/regressing. I don't think that the 3 games we have played provide an adequate sample of the team, so far.

The only person that I ever heard state they were satisfied with the programs standing was Mason.

They offered Gary Patterson 2 million.

Did they really, though? I'd like to believe that, but that would run counter to everything this school has done (outside of the stadium itself) over the last 40 years.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't believe it outside of some tangible proof.

There were posters who fed into Brewster's hype...getting overly excited about Star Ratings & screaming "Rose Bowl!" & are now the same posters pleading "Any Bowl!" at this point yet still defend a coach who has shown no signs of knowing X's & O's...


Don't want Mason back but the Brew Backers have accepted Mediocrity & can't even see it because of their hate for Mason...

I bet you can't find many posts where someone has said we're going to the Rose Bowl. There's nothing wrong with hoping and shooting for the Rose Bowl, but I don't think anyone realistically thought we were going there this year (or any of the previous few seasons). Hoping we get there is a lot different than thinking we will.

The thing that you and others fail to understand is that just because someone defends Brewster and his staff doesn't mean they think they are the "man for the job." Myself and others defended the gameplan for the USC game. That doesn't mean we all think Brewster is doing a great job. Believe it or not, there are things that Brewster does well. There are times when Weber plays pretty well also. I know that's hard for you to grasp because you'd rather just be negative 100% of the time.

GopherHole is loaded with fans who are happy with mediocrity. They are all Mason supporters who loved it when the Gophers went 5 - 7 in the Big 10 and went to a 3rd rate bowl game every year.

For the record no 5-7 team has ever made a Bowl Game. I was a Mason supporter, not because I loved 6-6 seasons and trips to the Music City Bowl, but because I recognized that he got us twice to within a couple of plays of the Rose Bowl and that's a heck of a lot more then anyone had done in my lifetime. And I could more easily believe that he might do so again (and maybe said plays would finally go our way) then to believe that someone else was going to start over rolling the boulder up the hill.

If I had any belief that Brew was capapble of doing the same, I'd be patient with him. But I see no evidence that he can coach in the Big 10. Therofore, it's time to move on.

I bet you can't find many posts where someone has said we're going to the Rose Bowl. There's nothing wrong with hoping and shooting for the Rose Bowl, but I don't think anyone realistically thought we were going there this year (or any of the previous few seasons). Hoping we get there is a lot different than thinking we will.

The thing that you and others fail to understand is that just because someone defends Brewster and his staff doesn't mean they think they are the "man for the job." Myself and others defended the gameplan for the USC game. That doesn't mean we all think Brewster is doing a great job. Believe it or not, there are things that Brewster does well. There are times when Weber plays pretty well also. I know that's hard for you to grasp because you'd rather just be negative 100% of the time.


I bet you can't find many posts where someone has said we're going to the Rose Bowl. There's nothing wrong with hoping and shooting for the Rose Bowl, but I don't think anyone realistically thought we were going there this year (or any of the previous few seasons). Hoping we get there is a lot different than thinking we will.

The thing that you and others fail to understand is that just because someone defends Brewster and his staff doesn't mean they think they are the "man for the job." Myself and others defended the gameplan for the USC game. That doesn't mean we all think Brewster is doing a great job. Believe it or not, there are things that Brewster does well. There are times when Weber plays pretty well also. I know that's hard for you to grasp because you'd rather just be negative 100% of the time.


Did they really, though? I'd like to believe that, but that would run counter to everything this school has done (outside of the stadium itself) over the last 40 years.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't believe it outside of some tangible proof.

You know your never going to get "proof", but for the little it may be worth, that's my understanding too, with a slight twist. My understanding is that they were prepared to offer Patterson $2 million IF he'd accept the job but he gave no indication that he'd take the job so they didn't offer it to him. Patterson of course, just used Minnesota to get a raise at TCU. All his success was based on Texas talent and a semi-gimme Conference schedule. Neither of those would have applied up here.

One other thing about the Mason firing that people seem to forget around here. It wasn't just his lack of reaction to the Texas Tech loss as wonderful of an Urban Legend that seems to have become. He also didn't fulfill his promise to go around the state to sell the program. He downgraded "trinket" games, called the students drunks, refused to take calls on his own radio show before he finally just quit showing-up.

He broke a host of promises that he had made to get his extension, that's what made the firing after the Texas Tech game so easy to do. It's probably also a major reason they liked Brewster, he was actually eager to help sell the program. I'd assume that Kiffin or Strong didn't give off that vibe.

Brewster then went 1-11, never beat Iowa or Wisconsin and lost to the Dakotas..:(

Now the discussion is centered around, despite all the spinning going on, whether people want Brewster to succeed, or whether they want him to fail big time so they can get onto the process of finding a great coach.

"Accepting mediocrity" has got nothing to do with it no matter how many times people want to type it in.

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