Mo tapped his helmet to come out and came to the sideline and was holding what looked like his wrist/hand.

We better not run the ball right here. If we do I’m done with Fleck.

Fleck... a word of advice... your defense is not good... so running the ball and trying to run out the clock is not going to work. Your defense is gonna get back on the field. That is all... Thanks for listening.

Are you kidding me with that play call? Fire the OC now.

No threat of qb run or pass off of their offense is making very easy for Purdue

That’s amazing play calling. I’m not sure that Stanford is making those calls I seriously think that’s all on Fleck.

Screw you Fleck!!! A freakin’ one yard pass pattern and throw on 3rd and 8 when you have to have a first down to win.

"We're gonna throw it and get the same 1 yard we'd get running up the Middle!" Geesus..

Wow, really horrible play calling on that series. Trying to lose= not elite .

Of course the offense that has been clicking most of the game implodes right at the worst time.

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