All Things "Top 5" Thread (Movies, TV Shows, Cities, Countries, Actors, Beers, Restaurants, Athletes, Sporting Events etc.)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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This is a thread I've been meaning to start for a while. Whenever I'm on a road trip with buddies or sitting around at a bar, we often get into a conversation of "Top 5...(fill in the blank)," on a host of different topics. It's always fun to hear peoples top 5's of many different categories and most guys can rattle off a Top 5 pretty quickly. Though it's hard sometimes to limit it to a Top 5 but let's set that as the criteria otherwise the lists get too long.

Pick any topic you want and list your top 5. I'll throw some out to get the juices flowing and we can come back to this thread over the coming weeks/months/years and add more topics. My only ask is we avoid "Top 5 politicians/presidents" etc. as that can steer the conversation in an entirely different direction.

Alright GopherHoler's, let's hear your Top 5 (fill in the blanks!)

Go Gophers!!
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Top 5 TV Shows (Dramas):

1. Friday Night Lights
2. The Wire
3. Breaking Bad
4. Sons of Anarchy
5. Dexter (though I hated the way the show ended)

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 TV Shows (Comedys):

1. Seinfeld
2. Parks and Recreation
3. Curb Your Enthusiasm
4. Cheers
5. The Office

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 North American Cities to Visit

1. San Diego
2. Vancouver
3. Boston
4. Montreal
5. Washington D.C.

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 Countries Outside North America to Visit:

1. Thailand
2. South Africa
3. Japan
4. Australia
5. Costa Rica

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 Sports Movies:

1. Hoosiers
2. Miracle
3. Field of Dreams
4. Major League
5. Rocky

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 Documentaries:

1. Gleason
2. Searching for Sugarman
3. Hoop Dreams
4. Free Solo
5. Murderball

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 Movies (Dramas):

1. Wall Street
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Goodwill Hunting
4. Forest Gump
5. The Godfather

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 Movies (Comedies):

1. Borat (no movie made me laugh harder than this one)
2. Old School
3. Airplane
4. American Pie (when this movie came out I was the perfect age for it)
5. Animal House

Go Gophers!!

Top 5 Movies (Comedies):

1. Borat (no movie made me laugh harder than this one)
2. Old School
3. Airplane
4. American Pie (when this movie came out I was the perfect age for it)
5. Animal House

Go Gophers!!
1. Monty Python/Grail
2. Dazed and Confused
3. Animal House
4. Spinal Tap
5. A Day at the Races-Marx Brothers

Fast Times at Ridgemount High gets an honorary mention as well.
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I'm dramatically torn between Ted and Bleed's list of comedies.

Top 5 North American Cities to Visit

1. San Diego
2. Vancouver
3. Boston
4. Montreal
5. Washington D.C.

Go Gophers!!
I call major bias on your part to put SD first on the list! That being said, no Sin City? WTF!

I call major bias on your part to put SD first on the list! That being said, no Sin City? WTF!

Ha! Sin City and New Orleans are two cities I love to visit, but both I need to leave after 48-72 hours to make sure I have any money left and to ensure I didn't get herpes on accident. :drink:

Go Gophers!!

Favorite Albums of all-time:

1. All Things Must Pass - George Harrison
2. Loveless - My Bloody Valentine
3. The White Album - The Beatles
4. Rocket to Russia - The Ramones
5. Murmer - R.E.M.

Top Five Steve Martin Movies:

1. L.A. Story
2. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
3. The Jerk
4. Three Amigos
5. Father of the Bride
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Top 5 Beers:
1. Fulton 300
2. Surly Todd the Axeman
3. Lift Bridge Hop Dish
4. Bent Paddle Rye IPA
5. Kinney Creek Strong Ale (had to get at least one Rochester brewery on here)

Top Five R.E.M. Albums:

1. Automatic for the People
2. Murmur
3. Out of Time
4. Life's Rich Pageant
5. Fables of the Reconstruction

Top Five Steve Martin Movies:

1. L.A. Story
2. The Jerk
3. Father of the Bride
4. Three Amigos
5. The Spanish Prisoner

Gill from Parenthood disagrees.

Top 5 Beers:
1. Fulton 300
2. Surly Todd the Axeman
3. Lift Bridge Hop Dish
4. Bent Paddle Rye IPA
5. Kinney Creek Strong Ale (had to get at least one Rochester brewery on here)
I need time to research this one.

Top 5 movies involving sailors (in my order of preference):

1) Das Boot
2) The Sand Pebbles
3) Crimson Tide
4) Tora! Tora! Tora!
5) Damn the Defiant

Top Five Comedies that Don't get enough Respect:

1. Walk Hard: THe Dewey Cox Story (absolutely hilarious)
2. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
3. I Love You, Man
4. Team America: World Police
5. School of Rock

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