Totally Unscientific Report from SEC Country


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Just spent a week in Atlanta and as per custom pretty much wore Gophers-related stuff the entire time. Anyone who's been there for any time knows you'll see every type of SEC team shirt, jacket, etc. in any mix of people in public. I just join the crowd and display the maroon and gold.

Anywho, on multiple occassions small talk with strangers from the airport to Chick-fil-A either started with the Gophers season or got there quick. While we may lament what might have been with I-O-W-A and Bucky, the Auburn AND PSU wins were big with this crowd. They really like our coach and don't see him at Minnesota very long. RTB is also synonomous with Minnesota. As the thread title notes, totally biased sample with no scientific validity.

We've all been seeing similar comments for this season. Frankly, this was a bonus for this trip and it was fun.


I was in Arizona and then Florida for the build up to the last game of the season and later the Outback Bowl.

I was approached numerous times by folks greeting me with Row the Boat! shaking hands and some small talk about the football team.

I don't think I'd ever been approached by anyone like that before about the Gophers....

“They really like our coach, and don’t see him at Minnesota very long.”

That’s the attitude of almost every SEC fan. They think our program is lower tier, and he’s just waiting for the right helmet school to come along.
exactly, it's a bit of a backhanded compliment

“They really like our coach, and don’t see him at Minnesota very long.”
He’s just waiting for the right helmet school to come along.
It's possible. We really don't know. Hope he's here for 20 years, but only time will tell.

I was in Arizona and then Florida for the build up to the last game of the season and later the Outback Bowl.

I was approached numerous times by folks greeting me with Row the Boat! shaking hands and some small talk about the football team.

I don't think I'd ever been approached by anyone like that before about the Gophers....
My family goes to Disneyworld/land every couple years (kids and wife love it). I always wear Gopher stuff there (at least for a few of the days) and have always been greeted with some ski-u-mahs or go gophers even before this season.

Years ago Steve Young was on some NFL tv show not long after retiring and he said about the Vikings:

"I'm never going to pick the Vikings to win the super bowl. They didn't do it when they had a chance and never have ... I'll pick them as soon as they show me they can do it."

Steve hasn't been wrong with that prediction since then.

Sports is like that. The Gophers showed something ... this year. In CFB especially you'd be right to expect them to return to a more average season for that that eam every year. So I don't blame anyone outside Gopher fans for not being on the bandwagon yet.

RTB is also synonomous with Minnesota.
I was wearing a Gopher polo shirt and walking into church the day after the Penn State win (I'm in the Des Moines metro), and when the pastor saw me she started pantomiming Row the Boat. I don't know if she's even a football fan.

“They really like our coach, and don’t see him at Minnesota very long.”

That’s the attitude of almost every SEC fan. They think our program is lower tier, and he’s just waiting for the right helmet school to come along.
Part of it is cultural. Many of them can't imagine living anywhere else besides SEC country (or more than a few miles from where they grew up in some cases), so why would anyone choose not to live there if they could? Meanwhile, northerners tend to travel more and have less ignorance-based bias against other places in the country and world.

Part of it is cultural. Many of them can't imagine living anywhere else besides SEC country (or more than a few miles from where they grew up in some cases), so why would anyone choose not to live there if they could? Meanwhile, northerners tend to travel more and have less ignorance-based bias against other places in the country and world.
There are two things in this world I can't stand: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures...and the Dutch.

There are two things in this world I can't stand: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures...and the Dutch.

I betcha GoodasGold would love to go double Dutch and really see the culture.

“They really like our coach, and don’t see him at Minnesota very long.”

That’s the attitude of almost every SEC fan. They think our program is lower tier, and he’s just waiting for the right helmet school to come along.
I'm in Chicago and experience the same from other B1G fans. Just heard from a couple guys at the bar the other day that there is basically a "zero percent chance" Fleck is in MN more than another year or two. They couldn't even fathom how'd I'd hope or suggest otherwise.

It doesn't really upset me; I understand the perception. But Fleck's a unique dude; he may be one of very few who would actually stay at MN vs. other blue-bloodish type opportunities. But maybe not.
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Part of it is cultural. Many of them can't imagine living anywhere else besides SEC country (or more than a few miles from where they grew up in some cases), so why would anyone choose not to live there if they could? Meanwhile, northerners tend to travel more and have less ignorance-based bias against other places in the country and world.
It's also just true that there are very few football coaches in the world who would choose to coach at MN vs. (for instance) a big-time SEC program. It's just the nature of the beast. The money, resources, and nearby recruiting opportunites don't really compare. I think Fleck may be one of the few who wants to write his own story, "own the state," etc., but if so he's one among few.

I'm still not a Fleck lover, though I do like to win. I'll put up with a lot from a winner. And I take him at his word when he says "twenty years."

But in the event that he doesn't stick around, our best bet is to snag a highly qualified Minnesotan, or at least a former Gopher. Someone who likes it here and doesn't see moving down south as moving up the ladder.

I'm still not a Fleck lover, though I do like to win. I'll put up with a lot from a winner. And I take him at his word when he says "twenty years."

But in the event that he doesn't stick around, our best bet is to snag a highly qualified Minnesotan, or at least a former Gopher. Someone who likes it here and doesn't see moving down south as moving up the ladder.
Depends on who it is. It might not be a popular opinion, but I'd rather have a great coach for 4 years than a mediocre one for 10. The highly qualified part you mentioned is a good start though.

I'm in Chicago and experience the same from other B1G fans. Just heard from a couple guys at the bar the other day that there is basically a "zero percent change" Fleck is in MN more than another year or two. They couldn't even fathom how'd I'd hope or suggest otherwise.

It doesn't really upset me; I understand the perception. But Fleck's a unique dude; he may be one of very few who would actually stay at MN vs. other blue-bloodish type opportunities. But maybe not.
Still not sure why someone would have to be "unique" to stay at Minnesota. Especially in light of Ferentz staying at Iowa, Tiller staying at Purdue til he retired, and on and on. I think this is a great place to work and live, and boosting the program back to its historical stature ("restoration," as Fleck calls it) is as meaningful a career goal as anyone could have in any profession. I get people from elsewhere not seeing what make this community and university great; I just don't understand the self loathing by Minnesotans and Gopher fans. Don't we have any self respect?
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Still not sure why someone would have to be "unique" to stay at Minnesota. Especially in light of Ferentz staying at Iowa, Tiller staying at Purdue til he retired, and on and on. I think this is a great place to work and live, and boosting the program back to its historical stature ("restoration," as Fleck calls is) is as meaningful a career goal as anyone could have in any profession. I get people from elsewhere not seeing what make this community and university great; I just don't understand the self loathing by Minnesotans and Gopher fans. Don't we have any self respect?
I don't have any self-loathing, and I personally love living in the midwest (and wish I was still in MN). But I still think it's fair to say the vast majority of football coaches would prefer a big-time SEC job to MN. It's not meant to be a controversial point. And I do think it takes somewhat of a unique person/personality to stay at a MN (or an IA, WI, etc.) if/when a bigger program came calling.

And to be clear, by "bigger" I mean an Auburn, Georgia, Alabama, Texas type job. Not suggesting one is going to come along, but those are the sorts of programs only a unique person would pass up. I'm not in the camp that thinks you'd obviously leave MN for a shot at a MS State-type program, although a lot of SEC fans certainly think that.
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I just don't understand the self loathing by Minnesotans and Gopher fans. Don't we have any self respect?

I don't think self loathing or self-respect play any part in it. I think it's about knowing your history and your image. Most coaches are ambitious, and they see in Minnesota the same thing that SEC fans see: a steppingstone. That's why I posted what I did about finding someone who already knows the culture and the terrain and won't see Minnesota as something to be endured until a better job comes along.

I'm in Chicago and experience the same from other B1G fans. Just heard from a couple guys at the bar the other day that there is basically a "zero percent change" Fleck is in MN more than another year or two. They couldn't even fathom how'd I'd hope or suggest otherwise.

It doesn't really upset me; I understand the perception. But Fleck's a unique dude; he may be one of very few who would actually stay at MN vs. other blue-bloodish type opportunities. But maybe not.
They're probably the same guys that said there was zero chance Donaldson would sign with the Twins.

Yeah there's probably a good chance Fleck won't be in MN in 3-5 years but you never know. Maybe his family loves the midwest and loves living in a big city. There's so many more variables than just money.

Damn, cant we just enjoy having a good coach without the hand-wringing about if/when/how he leaves?

The only real disadvantage Minnesota has relative to big time P5 jobs is in-state HS talent. I think PJ has made a lot of headway by driving recruiting in talent-rich areas (GA, FL, etc.). But, just keep winning. With the current administration and AD, I'm sure we can cough up the $$. Hell, if Purdue could afford to pay Jeff Brohm $6.6M a year, we can do the same with PJ.

After that, the rest is up to him. Minneapolis has a lot of advantages compared to some of the podunk country towns that a lot of coveted blue blood jobs are in.

Are people aware that we've only had one coach voluntarily leave before? The idea that this is a stepping stone job is completely fabricated. I understand PJ will probably be more sought after than most of the previous coaches, but these thoughts about coaches not desiring this job really have no basis.

Are people aware that we've only had one coach voluntarily leave before? The idea that this is a stepping stone job is completely fabricated. I understand PJ will probably be more sought after than most of the previous coaches, but these thoughts about coaches not desiring this job really have no basis.
To be fair, we don't really have any idea if it's a stepping stone job, because no one's won enough to get a truly big-time offer. I think it's only a stepping stone compared to a true blue-blood program (but so is pretty much anywhere else). And we've never had a coach other than the Holtz get offered a blue blood job.

If next season's anything like last season, I think Fleck absolutely will get a big-time offer. Auburn fans were already clamoring for Fleck after the bowl game, and I heard lots of Fleck energy from FSU & USC fans this offseason.

Most coaches are ambitious, and they see in Minnesota the same thing that SEC fans see: a steppingstone.
One coach in the history of the program did that, which far from proves that "most coaches" would see the job as a steppingstone.

One coach in the history of the program did that, which far from proves that "most coaches" would see the job as a steppingstone.
But put another way: the only coach in program history that got a big-time offer elsewhere took it. Again if next year is anything like last year, Fleck will likely be our first coach since Holtz to get a big-time offer from a big-time school. That's when it gets interesting - no one's arguing that we're a stepping stone to anything but a big-time program.

Remember that Mason (our most successful coach since the 1950s) interviewed for the OSU job, and no doubt would have taken it if offered.

I certainly think it's possible that Fleck leaves for a bigger program at some point, but I don't think there are lot of schools that fit his idea of a bigger program. It likely will need something like a Notre Dame or Michigan level program for him to start over again.

I certainly think it's possible that Fleck leaves for a bigger program at some point, but I don't think there are lot of schools that fit his idea of a bigger program. It likely will need something like a Notre Dame or Michigan level program for him to start over again.
Agreed - I think those may be the only names I'd worry about. I see him as a midwest guy. And again I think he may be the somewhat unique coach who actually wants to build his legacy at a program without much recent success.

I was in Arizona and then Florida for the build up to the last game of the season and later the Outback Bowl.

I was approached numerous times by folks greeting me with Row the Boat! shaking hands and some small talk about the football team.

I don't think I'd ever been approached by anyone like that before about the Gophers....

Been a lurker for a many, many years and first post.
I live in Newport Beach, CA and graduate of the U of M, had my row the boat shirt on the morning of the bowl game - I had two cars passing by yelling at me "Row the Boat"! Awesome.
Pretty sure Fleck's reach is far and wide.

Agreed - I think those may be the only names I'd worry about. I see him as a midwest guy. And again I think he may be the somewhat unique coach who actually wants to build his legacy at a program without much recent success.

Can you imagine a Notre Dame or Michigan program touting "Row the Boat" though?

I tend to agree with you that those are the two that scare me the most, throw Ohio State in there too, but at the same token I don't see any of those programs adopting the "Row the boat" culture like the university and people of Minnesota have.

I feel like those programs tradition is the culture, and the culture is winning, no frills, no slogans. You just better win.

Obviously just an opinion and if PJ keeps winning then RTB = Winning and Winning = Their Culture and Tradition there for RTB = their Culture and Tradition. Wrap your head around that equation. Funny math!

Can you imagine a Notre Dame or Michigan program touting "Row the Boat" though?

I tend to agree with you that those are the two that scare me the most, throw Ohio State in there too, but at the same token I don't see any of those programs adopting the "Row the boat" culture like the university and people of Minnesota have.

I feel like those programs tradition is the culture, and the culture is winning, no frills, no slogans. You just better win.

Obviously just an opinion and if PJ keeps winning then RTB = Winning and Winning = Their Culture and Tradition there for RTB = their Culture and Tradition. Wrap your head around that equation. Funny math!
I agree with this. I feel like Fleck wants to be able to do his thing at 100% his way and don't think he'll get that freedom at a lot of those schools.

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