After Practice Extensive Quotes From Kill, Goodger, Leidner and Williams

Here are updates and quotes from Gophers practice – the season opener is only 10 days away!!!

Coach Kill said that Jonah Prisig returned to practice today, and Ben Lauer did individual activities today and the staff will see how he progresses. He’s anticipating maybe practicing Sunday.

Jerry Kill quotes:

(Progress with pass blocking, passing game in general)

I think it’s been good, I mean all through camp however is just like anything else. You’re going against some pretty good players, and defense has had some push in there. So I don’t think you really can ever tell until you get out and play a game and how much better we are, because you’re playing against different people. It’s the same things the Vikings are doing with their preseason games, but we don’t get the benefit of playing someone else. We feel like we’re better.

(On facing familiar foe Eastern Illinois)

We don’t know them really well because they’ve changed coaching staff there. Do I know some of their coaches? Yes. But you don’t really know what they’re going to do. We know they’re very talented because of what they did a year ago. They lost a tremendous quarterback, but they’ve also got one transferred in, who’s played ten games at Kentucky. Athletically, they’re like when we played NDSU. That’s the caliber of football we’re playing. They’re going to spread it out and no-huddle it, snap it as many times as they can.

(Who’s showed the most in two a day sessions)

That’s hard to say. I’d leave out a lot of players. As far as newcomers coming in, I’d say Craig James has been outstanding. He just does a lot of things that most young players who come in can’t do. That’s one of many, but that’s one that stands out.

(Will James play mostly in secondary or special teams?)

Well we’re going to play seven spread or no-huddle teams, so right now you can’t say anybody because they’re running at 90 plays. We’re fortunate that one of our big strengths is our secondary, and the athletes we have back there, so that will definitely help us in those situations.

(Depth at tight end)

Well you know we have depth, but we also have a learning curve with some of them, we’ve moved Gaelin over there to defensive end, which I felt built some depth over there. We felt like we needed to do that, we didn’t need him on the boundary. Tight end wise, Lincoln Plsek, has been outstanding, he’s at 265. Goodger’s been steady since he’s been here. Alex Bisch is coming off an injury, but he’s done well. We’ve had to be careful with him because that’s a injury and that one takes a while. Lingin has been outstanding with what he’s doing right now with his learning, athletic kid, really pleased with him. Of course, everybody knows how good Maxx is. Jerry Gibson’s been moving around, he’s playing some of that and he’s also playing receiver a bit so we’re trying to teach him as much as possible. We’ll need them. We played with a lot of two tight ends last year, so we may even throw three of them out there at certain times.

Drew Goodger quotes:

(Anxiousness to play)

It’s kind of into that end of camp grind, but you know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel with next Thursday night, so everyone’s getting kind of antsy, but at the same time you can’t stop preparation, and you’ve got to keep on pushing. It’s a lot of fun once you start focusing on your first opponent and not beating the heck out of the other guys on the roster.

(How they’re coming along as a group)

Feel extremely well. We’re coming along I think, even faster than last year. It’s a process with those first couple games, you really have to get into a rhythm of actually just playing against different bodies, and different defenses, but we’re feeling really good about where we’re headed.

Maxx Williams quotes:

(Different personnel groupings at tight end)

Definitely we’ve been using a lot more 22 personnel, three tight ends, two tight ends, motioning us around, and I think that just kind of plays us in to the kind of offense we want to be.  We want to be a power offense, really bring it downhill, and having more than one tight end in the game really helps us out. And then it plays into the play action, which we can go out there and do the things that we want to do too.

(Gauging success this year)

It’s hard to say now, but going into each week, and improving upon what we want to do, and hopefully the score will take care of itself. Last year we were 8-4, we’re just trying to take that next step now to become even better. And I think our run game really helps, and I think we’ve developed our pass game enough to really complement our run game completely, and just kind of taking strides to get better and better.

(Being a playmaker)

Being a playmaker, I think the biggest key is always expecting to get the ball. Every route, no matter what, when you come out your break, you expect the ball’s going to be there. Matt Spaeth came in, met with us and said “to be a good playmaker you always have to expect that ball. If it’s not there, you have to go downfield for someone who did get the ball.

(Offense hitting stride?)

Once offense gets it down, we start clicking and kind of become more of a team and a unit. So I think about midway through camp, we’ve started really clicking, and ever since then we haven’t really looked back, really making strides every day and getting better.

(Brandon Lingen)

Brandon’s a freshman that is ready to play. He’s got the speed to go and run routes, he’s got some of the best feet I’ve ever seen for a tight end, especially at his age. He just is physical, he’s not afraid to stick his face into someone and get hit, and hit someone, and I think that definitely helps him overall, knowing that he can step up to play as a true freshman.

Mitch Leidner quotes:

 (How much of a weapon Williams will be)

He’s going to be a huge weapon for us. He’s a great player, goes up and gets the ball really well, has made a lot of great catches throughout camp. It’s just going to carry into the season and he’s gonna have a great year. (On Maxx’s skills) It’s his ability to be able to track the ball when he’s in the air, and use his big body to go up and not be pushed back or falling back when he’s going up for a catch. He’ll stick his foot in the ground, go up, and then make that catch over anybody.

(On his mindset this time last year, same as Streveler?)

I was hoping or wondering if I was gonna be in there with some certain packages and whatnot, it ended up not happening. The way it worked out was, at the end of the game we were up by a lot so I got to go in, and I just had to leave my mark by that time.

(Biggest thing/skill he has been working on)

Just keep working on being able to get the ball out of my hands quick, and keep working on deep passes as well. Just touching up the last few things with some receivers, but other than that I feel really good, and I’m excited to get rolling here.

(Donovahn Jones, strides he’s made)

I’ve seen great strides throughout Donovahn in camp. He’s a totally different kid than what I’ve seen even from spring ball until now. He just keeps maturing and I’m really impressed with what he’s done so far. He’s going to be a good playmaker for us this year, and even through camp he’s putting on weight and getting stronger, because our new nutritionist is taking good care of him, making sure he eats all the time. I’m excited though.

(Leidner possibly running less this year)

We’ve emphasized that throughout camp, and when I do decide to run it, just to tuck it down and be safe and smart with it, knowing to get down or out of bounds, but at the same time, knowing it’s third down and you have to truck someone to get it, I’m going to do that.

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