Adam Kelly Responds to Criticism, Kill Hiring and Reaching out to Temple and Leach

Gopher Football

The recent hiring of Gopher coach Jerry Kill was a process full of twists and turns, rumors and speculation. It also brought some interesting plots including the public feuding between a group of former Gopher football players and school administration. Nowhere was this more intense and odd than former Gopher punter Adam Kelly reaching out to Temple officials warning them that Joel Maturi may be reaching out to contact Al Golden. This unique move by Kelly created a firestorm of criticism and threw another crazy twist in the coaching search.

Kelly’s actions created outrage amongst Gopher fans and administrators. Now that Kill is on board leading Gold Country, GopherHole caught up with Kelly to find out if he regrets his actions, what his intentions were and whether or not he supports the new Gopher coach.

GH: What were you hoping would be different in the hiring process?
AK: The former players deserved a say in the process. We are football guys. Last time around Tony Dungy recommended that Joel contact Mike Tomlin, well Joel didn’t reach out to Tomlin at all and he goes and wins a Super Bowl and we fire Brewster in less than four years. Why wasn’t Marc Trestman contacted to get his input? We wanted to help Joel. Many people offered to help Joel. That’s what it’s all about. Why wasn’t Karl Mecklenburg in on the process?

GH: How involved and how often does Karl get to games?
AK: What does that matter? He can ask technical questions that non-football players can’t ask. I was actively involved in getting together a group of people and regents to understand how important it was to hire a president who understands sports. Eric Kaler is fabulous. He is the real deal. I have not met him but I have spoken with him. He is a great man. Please put that in bold. He is a great man who will have open dialogue with ex-players, donors and others.

GH: What were your motives in contacting Temple?
AK: When someone doesn’t follow the cardinal rule of doing the right thing, it needs to be called out. Joel Maturi and Dave Mona got on a plane to San Diego and made a big mistake. They broke a big cardinal rule in coaching searches.

GH: How do you know what the cardinal rule is? Have you been involved in coaching searches at this level?
AK: I would say based on a few conversations that I’ve had that there are AD’s that aspire to a more ethical and correct way of doing things in today’s world. Society overall has thrown those rules in the garbage and that isn’t right.

GH: What was the reaction to the article?
AK: I got calls from AD’s across the country saying “˜wow’ that they couldn’t believe Joel would do that.

GH: Which AD’s contacted you?
AK: I told them I’d keep that private.

GH: The Star Tribune today says that your actions and those by SaveGopherFootball may have sabotaged some of the search process. Do you agree?
AK: Joel Maturi sabotaged himself. I didn’t sabotage anything. I didn’t get on the flight. I wasn’t in San Diego.

GH: What about the story in today’s paper that said that your actions caused candidates to look elsewhere?
AK: That’s baloney. Joel Maturi caused candidates to be turned off. Period.

GH: Do you think you were helpful to the U?
AK: That’s to be debated. I think so. I exposed Joel for being unethical.

GH: Would you have done anything differently in hindsight?
AK: Yes, I wish I would have called Temple and not e-mailed them as it would have been more effective.

GH: Your actions have been called “œreprehensible” ““ would you agree?
AK: They are entitled to their opinion? There would be no discussion if they had done the correct and ethical thing in the beginning.

GH: When the U hired Tubby Smith, do you think they contacted Kentucky’s AD first to get permission to talk to Tubby?
AK: I think it’s widely known around the U of M and people in the know that Tubby’s representatives called Minnesota regarding the job openning. I have NO knowledge of how they conducted their search for a Basketball coach when they fired Dan Monson after 7 games into the season.

GH: But how are you familiar with the search process Joel used outside of what was reported about Brady Hoke?
AK: I am not.

GH: But you just said you don’t want to talk about hypothetical’s but then say you don’t know what process was used outside of San Diego State.
AK: I don’t know. I assume he was doing that way as well as other places.

GH: Did you contact any other schools besides Temple?
AK: Just Temple. I also talked to Mike Leach?

GH: You reached out to Mike Leach?
AK: Yes, he’s a friend of mine.

GH: You two are friends? How long have you know each other?
AK: We’ve been talking on the phone for 3-4 weeks.

GH: You say that it’s not right for Maturi to contact coaches, but you think it’s OK for a former player to freely contact candidates?
AK: I’m a fan. Why not? The University of Minnesota sure didn’t. He’s a quality coach. It’s America, you can call whomever you want.

GH: Are you done with the program?
AK: Absolutely not. All we wanted was to have a voice in the selection process.

GH: What are your thoughts on the hiring of Jerry Kill?
AK: I think he’s a great guy. I support him 100%. Seems like a genuinely great guy. Hiring a coach is a roll of the dice. Colorado rolled the dice with the Boise State and it didn’t work. But what you need is boosters and ex-players involved in the process. He will need support.

GH: Are you keeping your season tickets?
AK: Yes as of now. We have four season tickets.

GH: Anything else you want to add?
AK: I support Jerry Kill 100%. We will do anything we can do 100%, as will all former players.

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