Q&A: JUCO LB Cody Poock Discusses Upcoming Official Visit to Minnesota, Recruitment and More

Poock was a full qualifier out of high school and could enroll at a D1 college in December.

Cody Poock, a 6-3, 230 pound freshman linebacker from Iowa Western Community College, will visit Minnesota this weekend for the Gopher game versus Wisconsin. He has helped lead the NJCAA #3 Reivers to a 10-1 mark. The 2012 NJCAA champions will face #5 Butler Community College in the Graphic Edge Bowl at the UNI Dome December 8th.


Poock, who is from Spirit Lake, Iowa, was a full qualifier out of high school and could enroll in January. He is visiting TCU next weekend and has offers from Georgia State, New Mexico, North Dakota State and Old Dominion and added an offer from Illinois earlier today.


Gopher Hole caught up with Poock Wednesday night to learn the latest on his recruitment.


Gopher Hole: Your team has had an excellent season and is currently 10-1. You will face #5 Bulter Community College in the Graphic Edge Bowl at the UNI Dome December 8th. How pleased are you with how the season has gone?


Cody Poock: It is going good. We lost a game in the middle of the season to (NJCAA’s number one team) Georgia Military. We tried to get another shot at them, but we didn’t have a team lose, so we got this bowl and we got Butler, a good downhill power run team, I think that we are ready.


Gopher Hole: One of the other visitors this weekend is Christian Russell, a linebacker from East Mississippi and they play Georgia Military for the national title, so you will have to give him some tips on how to beat them.


Cody Poock: Yes.


Gopher Hole: How did you end up at Iowa Western? I know that you were a full qualifier out of high school. Did you get many looks out of high school?


Cody Poock: I just didn’t get the offers that I wanted out of high school. My coach was friends with Coach Stro (assistant coach Mike Strohmeier) and I thought that I would try it here. I like it here.


Gopher Hole: Are you planning on graduating in December and enrolling in January or would you stay and finish the year?


Cody Poock: If all goes down, I’ll probably be going in December, but if not, I am coming back for another year here. If I don’t leave in December, I already told the coach that I am coming back.


Gopher Hole: Did you have any offers coming out of Spirit Lake High?


Cody Poock: I had a couple of little offers. A lot of Division II offers. SDSU and UND. Little offers like that out of high school.


Gopher Hole: How much do you think playing just one season at Iowa Western has helped you as a player?


Cody Poock: I think that it has helped me a lot. Speed-wise. I know a lot of coaches didn’t think that I could play with the speed of the game, so I came in with a chip on my shoulder and I think that I showed what I can do at this level. That is why I think my recruitment has taken off.


Gopher Hole: How many offers are you up to right now?


Cody Poock: Illinois just offer me this afternoon I have five. Old Dominion, New Mexico, Georgia State and North Dakota State.


Gopher Hole: You are visiting TCU next weekend. Do you have any other visits planned?


Cody Poock: No, not yet. I am getting one set up for Iowa State December 14th, I think.


Gopher Hole: Minnesota and TCU have not offered you yet. Have they said that they would probably offer you after your visit or have they said what they are planning on doing with you yet?


Cody Poock: They have been hinting at it. I am just guessing that they are going to offer. Minnesota came in on Tuesday and TCU came out Monday and watched practice and they said that they can’t wait to get me on a visit. I am just guessing that is what is going to happen.


Gopher Hole: Which coach is recruiting you from Minnesota?


Cody Poock: Coach Kill and the linebackers coach, Coach Miller.


Gopher Hole: What have they been saying to you?


Cody Poock: That they really like me and are going to take a Mike (middle) linebacker. They feel that I can get the defense set up and that I can make plays. They said that they like me and to come up for an official and go from there.


Gopher Hole: How much do you think having that one year of junior college experience is going to help you compared to if you had signed with a school last year in terms of getting playing time right away?


Cody Poock: Just the speed of the game. I think that is the biggest thing. The speed of the game. I think that has helped out a ton coming here.


Gopher Hole: What is going to be the main factor that makes you pick School A over School B or C?


Cody Poock: The tradition. The facilities. Stuff like that. The fans. I can’t wait to see what the game atmosphere is like.


Gopher Hole: What are you hoping to learn about Minnesota this weekend?


Cody Poock: I have never been to the new stadium. I just want to see the new facilities and see the game day atmosphere and the crowd reaction. See how they play football.


Gopher Hole: Have you been up to the Twin Cities much in your life?


Cody Poock: Yes. It is only about two hours and 30 minutes away from where my hometown is. I’ve got sisters, so they like to go to the Mall of America and stuff like that. My first time at a college football game was actually at the Metrodome for a Gophers game.  


Gopher Hole: Do you remember who they were playing?


Cody Poock: I can’t remember. I was thinking about that the other night. I texted my friend who I went with and has season tickets and he couldn’t remember either.


Gopher Hole: Have you thought much about a college major?


Cody Poock: Yes. Business or Sports Management.


Gopher Hole: You are in a little bit of a time crunch. You have a big game that you have to get ready for, but you are also taking visits. What is going to be the process on deciding on a school?


Cody Poock: We finish up December 14th and it is going to come up quick. The decision is going to be fast. I am going to sit down and talk to Coach and talk to my parents and go from there and see what they have to say and talk to my high school coach and all that.  


Gopher Hole: Your teammate and fellow linebacker Ryan Langford has a couple of the same offers that you have from New Mexico and Old Dominion. Have you talked to any of your teammates about playing at the same place or has that even come up at all?


Cody Poock: Yes. We have talked about it. A lot of the little schools want us both to come in and play, but the bigger schools they only want one of us because that is all they can take right now. If we don’t end up at the same school, we are going to wish each other the best of luck and do what we may.

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