Q&A: East Ridge’s Nick Leach Walking On at U, Fulfills Childhood Dream

Nick Leach, a 6-2, 200-pound senior running back from East Ridge (MN) High, is expected to be a walk-on at Minnesota next fall.

Nick Leach, a 6-2, 200-pound senior running back from East Ridge (MN) High, is expected to be a walk-on at Minnesota next fall.


Leach rushed for over 200 yards in each of his first three games this season and had 645 yards and 11 rushing scores in those three contests before suffering a season-ending ACL injury against Park. East Ridge appeared to be one of the top teams in the early part of the season as they went 4-0 through the first four games and outscored their opponents 194-66 during those games.


Gopher Hole recently caught up Leach.


Gopher Hole: You started the season out very well with a couple of monster games and were named Athlete of the Week? How frustrating or tough was to suffer a season-ending injury so early into your senior season.


Nick Leach: It hurt a lot. The year that I was having was a lot of fun and to have it all come down like that in my senior year and not being able to play another high school game again, that was tough. I have been trying to move on, work hard and try to fulfill my dream of playing D1 football.
Gopher Hole: That had to be tough because you were undefeated when you suffered the injury and you had plenty of talent with center J.C. Hassenauer, who is headed to Alabama, tight end George Behr, who signed with Rutgers and quarterback Seth Green, who has a Minnesota offer. Many people thought that you would be one of the teams to beat. Did that make it even tougher knowing that you had the potential to go really far?


Nick Leach: Yes. I thought that we could have played with anybody. If we had all stay healthy. I thought that we could have made a really deep run in the postseason. If you look at what we did to Roseville (who made it to the Class 6A semifinals). That was the second game of the year. We beat them like 49 to 20, maybe worse (actually 42-19). We were playing really good football, but things just happened. Nothing you could do. It’s football. Overall, it was a good year. Conference champions


Gopher Hole: How has your rehab been going?


Nick Leach: It has been going really good. My knee feels right about 100% and it shouldn’t be any problems in the future. My goal is to be around 220 pounds at the start of the school year.
Gopher Hole: Has the rehab been harder than you thought?


Nick Leach: I thought it was going to be tough and it has been tough. Now that I look back at it, the first month was probably the hardest, getting back on my feet. After that, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. The surgeon was a really good surgeon. He did a really good job. It was a successful surgery. My physical therapist, who specializes in ACLs, is doing a really good job. It is feeling good. It usually takes two years to get your quad back to the same size and my mine is only a tenth of a centimeter smaller than my right one. It feels really good. 
Gopher Hole: Does that make you appreciate getting back on the field even more after being away from it?


Nick Leach: Oh, yes. If I could go out there and play another high school football snap again. This really shows how good we actually have it, being able to go out there and play, because it sucked to go and watch the team without me. It was just really hard. It makes me really appreciate the game that you get to play.
Gopher Hole: I know that you were starting to get some looks at the beginning of the season when you were playing well. What schools were you hearing from?


Nick Leach: I was talking to North Dakota State, Toledo, Minnesota, Illinois State and North Dakota and I was going to be talking to some bigger schools that were coming in, but they decided not to come in after I got hurt and nothing happened from them.
Gopher Hole: To be honest, did a lot of those schools unfortunately back away after the injury?


Nick Leach: Yes. I talked to Illinois State and North Dakota for awhile. Toledo (who also offered Green) came into the school after I got hurt and I talked to them a little bit. My ultimate goal was to play on the biggest stage possible and I just have to work as hard as I can to be a Gopher, because that has been my goal and my dream since I was a little kid. 
Gopher Hole: Did you get a chance to go to any of the Gopher football camps this past summer?


Nick Leach: No. I didn’t go to any Gopher camps this summer. I went to one two years ago, but this year, I didn’t attend any because I was at North Dakota State, because they were recruiting me pretty hard this summer, so I went to one of their camps. I wasn’t really talking to Minnesota that much until I started having really good games this year, because I got a lot better from my junior to senior year, speed-wise and getting stronger and bigger. 
Gopher Hole: Were you able to make many college football games this fall?


Nick Leach: Yes. I went to a South Dakota State game and two Minnesota games.
Gopher Hole: What are the Gophers saying to you about a possible role with the team?


Nick Leach: Basically as a running back, H-back, linebacker, strong safety type. Just as an athlete, pretty much. 


Gopher Hole: Besides going to the games, did you get a chance to see the campus much this fall or winter? 


Nick Leach: Yes. I have toured the campus before with school stuff and I loved it. I never went on an official visit because that would make me a recruited walk-on or something and would take away a scholarship chance or something like that, so I didn’t go on any official visits, but I have been around campus a couple of times and went to a couple of football games and just loved it. I just knew that was where I wanted to play at “The Bank.”


Gopher Hole: What do you see as your strengths as a football player? 


Nick Leach: Number one, is I am a huge competitor. When it comes to competition, that is what I am down for. I hate to lose. I love to win, so that is probably my number one thing. I am physical and I feel that I have a good football IQ. I watch so much football. I have watched a ton of film. I just love the game, so I feel that I am smart and know that I can play defense or offense. Just knowing the game and being a competitor. Be physical. Playing with enough speed. I feel like I am a good football player.  


Gopher Hole: What things are you going to be continuing to work on besides the rehab leading up to school to improve yourself as a player? 


Nick Leach: I need to probably fill out a little more. I weigh about 200 pounds now, but my goal is to get to 225 pounds by the end of the year. Build up on my frame. I have a pretty good frame, so I can put on a good 20, 30 pounds, easily, so I need to work on getting bigger and faster. You can always improve as a player. I can probably improve on everything. Working hard in everything I do.


Gopher Hole: Have you talked to the Gophers much about when enroll in school? Would you enroll in the summer or would you wait until the fall?


Nick Leach: The fall, probably. Once camp starts, I’ll go to camp.

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