‘Sota Social Recruiting Round-Up: Kill Talks About Each Recruit, Gives Tid-Bits & More

Phil Nelson is one of the cornerstone’s of the 2012 class.

Jerry Kill – I want to thank all of you, we’ve been able to do what we have because of you, not because of us.  Bottom line is, we have great people.  Several of the kids that we brought here were at games, they’ve seen you, your passion and support and that helps.  I want to thank your academic staff.  It’s clear that they’ve done a great job, and a big part of recruiting.  The parents want to see who’s going to teach their kids and tutor them and help them.  The professors at the U – I don’t think there was one time that we asked them for help, and they weren’t there.  The custodial people, they keep things so clean and neat.  Those are the little things, they make a difference.  Everyone from the smallest person, who’s doing that little job that they don’t think is important, it’s important for us.  We feel like we locked down the borders as good as we could.  It had little do with me, a lot to do with High School coaches, the media has helped us, we all have to work together to rebuild this thing. The kids that stayed in state they want to be part of it, they want to be part of the change.  They could have gone a different direction, and they did not, the kids that are coming are very loyal and excited.  The big thing that I want you to know, is I’m proud of the staff we’ve worked with, it’s hard to hold on to your coaches, and they did an outstanding job.  Their wives were so supportive, I bring in my wife and daughters – there are a lot of people in this process.


Duke Anyanwu: I have problems producing Dukes’s last name, but I know he’s a good players.  He’s playing basketball right now in Minnesota.  I saw Duke when he was 190, he put on about 25 pounds, we saw him play basketball.  He’s played a lot of different positions.  I’ve seen his 360 dunk, he’s very athletic. 


Jeremy Baltazar: He’s here right now, very impressive young man, a juco.  Very mature young man. 


Briean Boddy: Not your typical JUCO, he has 3 years left.  He’s a corner/safety that was an all conference player as a safety.  He’s here right now.  We have 8 players here at semester, and 10 of our fastest guys are 6 of the recruits. 


Cedric Dicke: Had opportunities, wanted to be at the U>  When I told him I wanted him to be here, I thought he was going to jump out of the press box. 


Scott Ekpe: 17 years old, graduated 2 weeks ago, and he’s here playing college football.  He’s in culture shock right now!  He’ll be 6’5 300 when we’re done with him. 


Isaac Fruechte: Young man, his Dad is a heck of a football coach in this state.  He sat this year, he’ll have 3 years of eligibility.  He’s here on campus working with our qb’s


James Gillum: Running back that we’ve been recruiting for 3 years.  Great athlete, great young man, big physical running back. 


Jamel Harbison: Guy that I’m glad that signed on signing day.  He had some papers here and there.  He had all kinds of pull until the last minute.  He is a gifted athlete, he’s the best skilled athlete in North Carolina.  He’s a young man that possesses tremendous speed and skill. 


Tyler Hartmann: Got hurt earlier this year, his best years are ahead.  Great motor. 


Isaac Hayes: What a great kid from our hometown.  I got in too late last year to get his brother who went to Stanford.  I thought he may go there too, his Mom helped me out to keep him.  Athletic hard nosed kids, he had many options. 


Jordan Hinojosa: Another big defensive tackle.  Sometimes it’s important to get kids that know how to win, and he was part of a very successful hs team.


Ben Holcomb: Big safety that can turn directions and do some things.


Antonio Johnson: Young man that played RB, he rushed for over 1100 yards, and 22 TDs, but even a better player on Defense. 


Roland Johnson: There’s not an ounce of fat on him, he’s a good looking young man.  Great feet, very physical. 


Alex Keith: He stayed committed to us.  He’s got like a 35 or 36 inch vertical, just a great athlete.  Comes from Leo Lewis’ high school, so that’s good right there. 


Ben Lauer: A guy I’m excited about. There’s a lot of people that’s helped us in the recruiting process.  He tore his ACL as a junior and didn’t get to play.  We watched him play, his best years are ahead of him.  Gordy Shaw said he’s a no-brainer.  He’s only 17 years old, he’ll grow a lot yet. 


Mitch Leidner: 2 of our QB’s are both in school right now.  We feel like from an evaluation standpoint, we have 2 of the best QB’s in the Midwest.  Both great kids with great attitudes. 


Jack Lynn: Came into camp, did a great job.  Has length and speed.  This class all runs pretty well.  We’re excited about him.  We feel like he’s a young freshman that can do a lot for us. 


KJ Maye: He’s a highlight machine.  He could of stayed closer to home.  Ran and threw for 1000.  Athletic man that can really run.  He’ll add to the skill level. 


Andre McDonald: Andre’s playing on TV right now on an all-star game.  A lot of kids will come to camp and won’t do things.  He came to camp every time and wanted to run the 40 every time, he thought he was faster.  Lot of skill.  We timed him, he can run. 


John McKelvey: Athletic safety, we needed to add depth, he comes from a good high school team. 


Eric Murray: We had him in camp, and he can really run.  We offered him during camp.  Outstanding athlete, comes from a great football team. 


Philip Nelson: He got us started in the recruiting process in this state, he’s helped us as much as anybody with the recruiting process.  He said immediately, I want to come to the U and make change, and that word traveled through the recruit arena.  He runs in the low 4.5’s.  Very smart.  Glad he’s here. 


Jonah Pirsig: Big man.  He committed right here on our field, President Kaler was out here.  I think he grows at every meal.  He’s a great kid, nationally recruited and decided to stay in our state, which is something we have to do.


Lincoln Plsek: Tremendous athlete, just turned 18, he played a lot of positions.  Hard to get kids out of Texas.  I didn’t know if he’d come here, he committed and stayed with his commitment the whole time.  He had a great visit, and fit with the kids. 


Nick Rallis: Of course we have his brother playing for us.  He is very very competitive.  He’s done everything at his school from offense to defense. 


Martez Shabazz: Secondary player, 3 time all conference defensive player of the week, all conference.  May be as fast of a guy as we got. 


Yoshoub Timms: How can you not recruit a guy with this name?  He’s got a 31 inch vertical, runs a 4.8.  He was a late guy that we got.  Will really fit in. 


Damarius Travis: Tremendous upbringing, great father.  Watched him play baseball – can throw mid 80’s 90’s. 


Maxx Williams: From here.  His Dad played here, he played in the NFL.  Was going to play QB, we wanted him to play TE.  All of these MN kids have represented our state well in these all star games. 


Rodrick Williams: You will all enjoy him.  1st time I saw him, on the wrestling match, in about 5 seconds.  Fastest match I’ve seen in a long time.  One physical running back.  He told the great state of Iowa “no” several times.  (loud applause).  He is a competitor and a Big 10 back, a physical, physical player.

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