Gophers Football Practice Quotes: Jerry Kill Talks Michigan Win’s Impact on Recruiting

It’s been a few days since The Jug’s arrival in Dinkytown, and the excitement is still clear. The Gophers have a bye week but players and coaches did address the media today. Below is a recap of their answers to reporter questions.

Ryan Santoso

Thoughts during 48 yarder?

Every kick I try to do the same thing, not make it bigger than it should be. I got a great snap, great hold by Peter Mortell, Just do what I do in practice.

What the team is doing with the jug.

It’s awesome. Everyone’s taking pictures of it, it’s all over the place. Ever since I got to Minnesota I was like “We’ve gotta get the jug!” Trophy games are pretty important to us, so to have one like that is awesome.

Having Andrew (Harte) pushing him, how does it help motivation?

I love it. Competition helps us all, so he’s right there next to me, and either of us could do it in a game. I’m just honored to be the starter right now.

Maxx Williams

Having the jug?

At first I was just shocked a little bit. It was one of those moments of my life where I always dreamed about winning and having the jug, and to finally sit there and hold the jug for the last couple of days has kind of been like, wow we did it, we got the jug. But we did it, we had our fun, but now we got to starting looking ahead to the rest of the season.

History of the jug

The coolest thing for me is that on the 86’ team, my dad actually played on that in Michigan. So he was there, and after the game when I won it I gave him the hug, and that was actually the coolest part for me, knowing he was on that jug, and now my legacy is on that jug.

What made offense more efficient than last four games?
I think we just kind of clicked. We had a great game plan going in, and I think everything just kind of clicked for us that game. Cobb played really well, which opened up the pass. Mitch played really well too, and the O-line gave him time. Just the good game plan, the good mixture of what we were running worked well.

On what went into one-handed grab

Luck. I just stuck my hand out and hoped. If it got in my hand I figured, hug it as fast as I could, and I was more worried about the sidelines once I actually had it. Did I fall out of bounds, was I in? It was just luck and a good ball from Mitch.

David Cobb

His performance

I definitely think that was one of my better games I’ve ever played, even in high school. I think it was just a good all-around game from the receiving end, to pass protection, to running the ball. I got into a pretty good rhythm, and I felt like I had a pretty good balance, and was able to break a couple tackles. So as far as an offensive unit, I think that was one of my better games.

Involvement in the passing game

I just think it’s something we can add to our offense, just not always getting a hard four or five. Maybe getting out in space with a linebacker or a screen here and there. I think it’s good for our quarterbacks, having quick, short, pop passes where we can get 10 or 20 out of it.

What it means to get the jug

Yeah, I was talking to some of my teammates, and it took us four years to get the jug. So it’s a good win for the program, I’ve talked to some of our teammates that left, like Marquis and Brock. So they’re happy for us, and they’re uploading pictures like they won the jug, so it’s good.

Mitch Leidner

Reactions on campus from winning the Jug

Professors are excited, other students in class are excited, and they believe in us. And they’ve had a lot of support throughout the season so far, and we just got to keep continuing to work.

Lingering pain in knee and turf toe?

I feel good. After I think we get Saturday off we’ll probably be feeling really good after that. We’re just looking forward to getting back out here on Sunday then.

On progression from David Cobb:

It’s really cool to watch, but at the same time, I knew it all along, and everybody on this team knew it all along. Ever since he was a freshmen, he’s been one of the most talented guys on this team. He’s tough to bring down, and he’s shifty. He’s just a really excellent player.

On seeing fans waiting for team in front of Bierman:
It was awesome, it was a great feeling. I was talking to some guys on the bus and we were like, “do you think there’s going to be a lot of people waiting out at the complex for us?” Some guys thought no, some guys thought yes, but we pulled up and there’s a whole ton of people out there waiting for us and it was really cool. 

Coach Kill

How winning the jug helps recruiting

I can’t go on the road and talk to anybody or anything like that, but as far as on the phone, and those kind of things, there’s no question any of that stuff, when you win, is going to help recruiting. No different last year, when we won four Big Ten games in a row. That’s always going to help you with recruiting.

Extra buzz from Saturday’s win?

I’d say from emails and people coming up and going to the game on Sunday, everybody wants to touch that jug. And I think that’s neat. Going to Dunkers, after Dunkers everybody wanted to get their picture taken with the jug. I think there’s no question that there’s excitement, and the state takes great pride in having that Little Brown Jug. That’s 110 years of history, and there’s no question that that’s energized our fan base and our state.

Impressed by the defensive stats, given the injuries?

I think it’s a real credit to the coaching staff, Coach Claeys in that you lose Scott Ekpe, a force in what we do, and we’ve had some injuries. We had to play these freshmen, and those freshmen have done a heck of a job. So is it surprising? I think the surprising thing is the freshmen being able to give us significant minutes and doing a very good job at it. I think those kids, when you play, and you get repetition, and you get a little confidence, you get better. So I think the surprise would be the freshmen and what they’re doing right now as role players.

Mitch got back to not overthinking?
You have to ask him, I don’t know! I think the week he didn’t play, I think he got to sit back a little bit and watch what was going on, and I’m pretty sure there was some stress involved. He’s been banged up pretty good. I just think before we played throughout the week, and even now, I think there’s a relaxed not such a pressing guy. I think before the game, he went in saying “I’m just gonna go play.” We got off to a good start, completed a few balls, and you get going.

Job that the secondary has done:

They’re just playing very well. Again, a confident group, and they’ve been confident all year. I said way back that we’re going to have a good secondary. Nobody really predicted that and I kept saying “Hey we’re going to be good, I feel like we’re going to be good. I feel like we’re going to have one of the better ones in the conference. They’re a big key to what’s happening right now, because if you can play in the secondary, you can do more things up front.

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