Gray, Kill, Others Comment on Gary Tinsley’s Passing

Former Gopher linebacker Gary Tinsley was found unresponsive this morning, and was prounded dead after efforts to revive him were not successful.  Foul play is not suspected.  Here are the notes from the press conference. Everyone was visually torn apart, and could hardly choke back the tears. Such a sad, sad, day.

On Gary Tinsley
        Started every game in the past 2 years.
        He had an incredible transformation since arrive at the U of MN. He was very active with the charity work.
Jerry Kill
        Jerry Kill at the podium, took a few seconds to compose himself, visually torn up
        It’s a very very sad day for a football program, and for our young men, we lost one of ours today in Gary Tinsely, who I know is in a good place.
        Gary is a young man who has done everything I’ve asked him to since the day I walked in this door.
        I ask all of you to make sure in a situation of this nature, it’s devastating to a family that has a young man that lives a child. Our prayers go out to Gary’s family. They are headed this direction. Our prayers are for our kids. The two things that matter to Coach Kill and our staff are Gary’s family and our players. We all have to take care of each other during difficult times, we’ll do that. There’s not a whole lot more that I can say. Our players matter and I love them all.
MarQueis Gray
·         Good morning. I addressed the team today, and told them we’re still a family. When they come to the U of MN, you enter a brotherhood. Once you put on the maroon and gold, we’re a family through thick and thin. We need to stick together, make this team stronger. I’ve been friends with him for 4-5 years, he’s grown on me. It’s difficult addressing the team, as we’re all crying. It’s just weird. Last night, texting each other, and today, he’s gone. He’s a great brother, a great teammate, a great friend, a great son to his parents, I can only imagine how they’re feeling right now. We’re really sad that this happened. We have to use this as motivation and stick together, myself, and other seniors.
Chief Greg Hestess:
        At 7:40am we received a call from Gary Tinsley’s roommate saying he found Gary on the floor not breathing. Our responder office was there at 7:43. I arrived at 7:50 and found that they were making heroic efforts until 8:15 when they discontinued. They were unable to revive Mr. Tinsley.
        There was no immediate indication of crime, injuries, weapons, struggle, etc. You only get one opportunity to handle a crime scene. We’re conducting interviews, we processed the room as a crime scene. We are now waiting for the medical examiner to tell us what they found. We have no evidence of a crime right now. He had no medical conditions to my knowledge.
        There was a lot of police activity on University Avenue last night, in anticipation of the Frozen Four. I’m unaware of anything associated with Mr. Tinsley. No evidence of drugs or alcohol, but we have to wait for the medical examiner.
        The roommate slept there, and found Gary on the floor
        Typically in these cases, if they get permission, they can work through that. There are 52K students on campus. We will occasionally have a death in a population that big.
Michelle from Gary’s college
        We will begin the process to award Gary’s degree because he was not able to be awarded that yet.
Joel Maturi:
        I think like anyone that knew Gary, it’s tough to see a young person die so young. I was on the tarmack and ready to get on the plane from the Frozen Four, and Coach Kill called me.
        I don’t know all of the 750 athletes; Gary is one I got to know. Sometimes, it was because of the things I had to deal with (getting choked up), it was great to see his growth
        It hurts extremely more so when it’s a young person and you don’t know the cause or the why.
        The Gary that I knew, very competitive, he didn’t like when we lost. Loved life. Always made me feel good, and made others feel good as well.


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