Q&A: Thomas Barber on Committing to Gophers: “When I committed, I was all smiles.”

Thomas Barber continues to the family legacy at Minnesota.

Thomas Barber, a 6-foot-1, 230-pound linebacker from Robbinsdale (MN) Armstrong, recently became the third commitment for the Class of 2016. Barber helped lead the Falcons to a 3-6 record last season. He is the son of former Gopher standout Marion Barber II and the younger brother of ex-Minnesota stars Marion III and Dom. 


Gopher Hole recently caught up with the youngest Barber to learn the latest about his decision.


Gopher Hole: It has been about two weeks since you committed to Minnesota. What has been the reaction of your family and friends?


Thomas Barber: Family and friends are all amped. They are all pumped about it. They were really excited. I was very excited. Everyone is really excited. The talk still hasn’t gone down. Every day, I am reminded that I am going to be a Gopher in the next year and a half and it is just very exciting.


Gopher Hole: Do you feel a little bit of a weight off your shoulder having made that decision?


Thomas Barber: Yes. It is actually a lot of weight lifted. I don’t have to worry about waiting for schools and waiting for something to happen. I get to stay home and enjoy high school.


Gopher Hole: What other schools were you really hearing from besides Minnesota when you decided to commit?


Thomas Barber: Nothing really heavy like Minnesota was. I was getting calls and stuff from North Dakota and Duluth. The Gophers were the ones that were really focusing on me a lot.


Gopher Hole: Obviously, you have a lot of ties to Minnesota with your relatives. Would it have been hard not to go to Minnesota?


Thomas Barber: I think it would have. Not only, because of that, but I love Minnesota. I don’t think that I would have been able to leave, to be honest. Plus, they have turned it around and got things going in the right direction.


Gopher Hole: Did you get a chance to go to many games this past year?


Thomas Barber: Yes. I went to about three this year. They are just getting better and better and they are just kicking butt. 


Gopher Hole: Do you remember who they played those games?


Thomas Barber: I went to, I believe the Northwestern game and the Iowa game, especially that one, That was fun. That was just touchdown after touchdown. 


Gopher Hole: A lot of times when a player commits this early, he doesn’t go to a lot of camps. Is that your thought process that you won’t go to camps that if you hadn’t committed you would have attended?


Thomas Barber: Yes, but I am still thinking about going to some North Star camps, because I have been training and want to see where I am with times and stuff that I am still developing. I don’t think that I’ll go to any team or college camps, but more like the North Star and FS camps. 


Gopher Hole: What things are you working on to improve yourself and hopefully be ready for a big senior year, but also be ready to play college football?


Thomas Barber: I am going to be working on my speed, because the coaches are talking about me being fast. They feel that I can be physical enough to be put in there and still work on that, but he wants to see my speed improve a lot.  


Gopher Hole: What are the expectations for Armstrong? Do you have a lot of players back or did you lose a lot of seniors?


Thomas Barber: We lost around six, but our goal is to be over .500 and win our section.


Gopher Hole: It sounds like the Gophers are looking at you as a middle linebacker, right?


Thomas Barber: Yes, I played on the inside.


Gopher Hole: You have that Barber name. What have your relatives told you about playing at Minnesota?


Thomas Barber: They said that it is a great experience and that they wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I would definitely take their advice on anything and I know that this is the right choice. 


Gopher Hole: Were they even more excited than you were?


Thomas Barber: They probably showed a little more. When they offered me, I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t say a word until I got to my car. When I committed, I was all smiles and everything was fine. I think that I am more excited than the relatives.


Gopher Hole: They have gotten a couple of commitments from other Minnesota kids, JoJo Garcia and Carter Coughlin. Do you know much about them or have you talked to them much in the past?


Thomas Barber: Yes. I met JoJo Garcia one time and I introduced myself to him. I don’t know him very well, but I met Carter and we roomed together during our unofficial visit. I got to know him really well and we talked and he is a really cool guy. I am looking forward to being his teammate.


Gopher Hole: You are both linebackers, so that will be nice to go into Minnesota together, right?


Thomas Barber: Yes, It is great. 

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