Jerry Kill Discusses Gophers Prime Time Games, Recruiting and Potential Position Changes

Coach Jerry Kill’s comments and responses during his weekly segment on ‘CCOs Sports Huddle:

1) Sid asked Coach Kill for his thoughts on having prime time/night games next fall:

Kill said, “The big thing, they (some coaches) want to play earlier.” Some coaches prefer day games so that they can get ready for their next opponent, earlier; however, Kill sounded pleased that the Gophers have been selected to play prime/night games. He thinks night games are a positive for fans and recruiting purposes – national exposure that catches the attention of potential recruits across the country.

2) Sid in a follow-up question asked how recruiting is going for Minnesota:

“Everything is going pretty good . . . There’s a lot of competition when you recruit the right kid . . . . I have a young man in today (because of NCAA rules, no name given)”, replied Kill. Kill sounded positive when answering Sid’s query, especially when he talked about the completion for the players that they’re recruiting.

He concluded the question saying recruiting and getting the right players is extremely important if you expect to have success on the field. You win with good players and coaches look good when they have good players.

3) Dave Mona asked about the different schedules of freshmen recruits coming in for summer school and player conducted drills:

Kill said the varied dates of arrival are due to the graduation dates of the national recruits. Some recruits finish the school year and graduate in mid-May; whereas, some graduate the day before the start of summer school at Minnesota.

Kill said getting the freshmen on campus is extremely important at the start of summer school. Biggest thing getting (freshmen players) oriented and adapted to the University as well as having a month and a half to participate in summer workouts conducted by the players.

4) Sid wanted to know if there are any position changes:

“No, I don’t think so, not any drastic moves,” answered Kill. However, Kill said there could be changes when the in-coming freshmen participate in fall drills.

Once again, Kill emphasized the recruiting efforts that the coaches are making on the road, which is their primary focus at this time.

5) Sid opined that the Gophers are expected to win the West Division next fall:

(Laughing) Kill asked, “Where did you get that?” (Sid said Glen Mason gave the prediction as well as some internet sites.)

Kill does not put much stock in early season predictions. During his coaching career he has experienced times when his team was picked to finish last and won and sometimes the opposite happened.

6) Dave Mona raised the topic of senior(s) who have eligibility transferring to other schools:

Kill asked Mona he was referring to linebacker Jephete Matilus from Delray Beach, Florida. Mona affirmed he was.

Kill answered Mona’s question saying they try to help players find another school at a lower division, if the player expresses a wish to transfer.

As to Matilus’ transfer to North Dakota, Kill proudly said Jephete will graduate this spring. According to Kill, Matilus’ graduation is important, especially since some from his hometown area did not expect him to be successful in the classroom.

7) Sid asked if any of his assistant coaches have been offered jobs at other schools:

Killer quickly replied, “Pretty stable year for us . . . Been pretty quiet, a good thing for us.”

Kill said the younger staff members that have been around for a year or two will frequently catch the eye of other schools/coaches because of their recruiting abilities.

8) Sid asked for Kill’s thoughts about the team from the films that they’ve watched of spring practices and scrimmages:

Kill replied, “We found out some guys need to come through . . . Charles Rogers has to come through.”

Kill explained the importance of the player-led drills during the summer months. He said the older players help the young players (coaching them up) in the summer workouts. The workouts are especially important for in-coming freshmen; being ready when the fall season drills begin in August.

9) Dave Mona asked about the chances of Cedric Thompson being drafted by an NFL team next month:

“He’s helped himself,” said Kill. However, Kill also acknowledged he doesn’t know if Thompson will be drafted or will be signed as a free agent.

Thompson’s play on special teams and in nickel defenses is helpful, according to Coach Kill.

Players that play in the secondary is a “good thing” because of the numbers game. Teams may draft only one running back, but frequently teams will draft more than one person that has played in the defensive backfield.

10) Sid asked if there were any surprises in this year’s spring drills:

Kill said there were two players in the secondary that were pleasant surprises: Adekunle Ayinde from Blaine and Deletavious McGhee from Decatur, Georgia.

“Josh Campion’s move from tackle to guard is good thing.”

“Roderick Williams had a great spring . . . He’s really grown up . . . (he’s) a good leader.” Kill credited David Cobb when he said “he’s really grown up.”

Kill said the play of McGhee and Adekunle is important because of the loss of Derrick Wells and Cedric Thompson.

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