Recap of Gophers Jerry Kill on Sports Huddle – Analyzes Practices, Talks Leidner, Young WRs and More

The following is a re-cap of Coach Kill’s comments and responses to questions by Sid Hartman and Dave Mona:

1) Sid opened the show asking for Kill’s thoughts and reaction on the resignation of former athletic director, Norwood Teague:

“It’s a situation you feel bad for everybody involved . . . President Kaler did a great job,” Kill said.

Kill finished the question saying it’s time to move forward.

2) Sid asked for impressions of the team after Friday and Saturday’s practices – what did he learn about the team?

(Players) “They’ve worked hard . . . this is the hardest working group,” Kill said.

Kill also said they’ve thrown a lot at the players during the first two days of practice and it’s new experience new players (2015 recruits) having to adapt to the practice rigors of college football. He also said he’s “pleased” with the team’s effort, thus far.

3) Sid asked how Mitch Leidner has looked in practice:

“I think he’s done a good job handling all that we’ve thrown at him,” Kill answered.

Kill, once again, stressed that they’ve thrown a lot new material at the players and the next five practice days are crucial in determining how they’re handling all that has been given to the team.

4) Sid wanted to know the receiving corps has looked in practice:

“They’ve done well? Kill replied emphatically. He added, “(There’s been) Less drops (in practice) since we’ve been here . . . Our secondary will make them better . . . We’ve had good senior leadership.”

Two receivers that Kill mentioned in his comments as having good practices were Drew Wolitarsky and KJ Maye.

5) Sid asked about Jeff Jones at receiver:

(He’s) “Done a good job the first (two) days catching on,” Kill said.

He also said the next five days “will tell” them a lot; not only of Jeff Jones catching ability and running pass routes as a receiver but everybody, especially with all that they thrown at the team.

6) Dave Mona asked about the players conducting a practice:

Coach Kill said he told the coaches he wanted the players to run the practice – offense and defense. He wanted to see how the players were handling the coaching material that they’ve been given. It was also an opportunity to see if the coaches had effectively explained/taught the new material to the team.

7) Sid opined that Mitch Leidner seems a new person – body type. He also wanted know if there are others that have changed as well:

Coach Kill immediately mentioned Roderick Williams: “Roderick Williams as much as anybody; first one (that comes to mind) . . . has improved – different kid.” Kill sounded happy and enthused with Roderick Williams’ effort in reducing his weight and preparing for his senior season.

Kill said defensive end Julian Kafka, redshirt freshman from Montreal, Canada, is another player who has changed during his first year at Minnesota, “Julian Kafka, his body has changed a whole lot!”

Another player mentioned is running back Berkley Edwards. He said Berkley now weighs about 200 pounds and is much stronger.

8) Dave Mona asked for a status report of Brian Bobek:

Kill sounded positive but also cautious in his remarks about the Ohio State transfer to Minnesota. “He’s doing a good job at this time. Hopefully we can keep him healthy.”

Bobek has had a history being injured and not being available, which is the reason for Kill’s cautionary comment. Nevertheless, Kill sounded positive about Bobek and he appreciates his effort and determination to play and help the Gopher team. He’s the type of player he wants to succeed, especially with all that he’s encountered as a player at Minnesota.

As to the question of Brian Bobek being healthy at this time, Kill said, “Yes he is. He’s moving well.”

9) Sid asked about Josh Campion, as he does almost every week:

Kill responded by saying he wants versatile, strong linemen. “Offensive linemen have to play multiple (4) positions. I want big offensive guards and strong centers.” He cited four players when he was discussing the center position: Josh Campion, Connor Mayes, Jon Christenson, Brian Bobek.

As to Campion, specifically, Kill said he now weighs about 330 pounds.

Finishing his comments to Sid’s query, Kill said Mitch Leidner must have protection up front, if he’s going to have success in the passing game.

10) Dave asked about Okoboji, Iowa linebacker Cody Poock:

Coach Kill sounded very positive when discussing Poock’s playing ability. “He does a lot of things like Damien Wilson.”

11) Dave Mona tossed out the question related to the vacancy in the athletic department and Kill’s interest in the athletic director position:

Kill said immediately that he wasn’t interest in the position. (Laughing) “Some question whether I can coach.”

12) Dave Mona asked about an athlete from Canada. (No name was given):

Kill answered Mona’s query, “He’s raw . . . went the wrong way a couple times”

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