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  1. E

    Business Ideas....and Advice

    If I'd have had my eyes open in my college days...I'd be co-owner of at least 1 good-sized business. Maybe 2. I mean it literally fell into my lap...but I totally ignored it...because I had to be all technical and not like anything 'easy'. We're not wrapped too tight until about age 40. I...
  2. E

    The Minnesota Barnstormers

    No pun intended. But they WILL have an open challenge to the Minnesota Gophers...on their home court. Open tryouts for any University of Minnesota graduate of any age. And Gopher early NBA entrants. And players or commits who were forced out against their will are also eligible. Pay is...
  3. E

    The 'coaching is irrelevant' Thread

    No...wait. This thread is a good thing. Because I will try to limit all of my 'coaching is irrelevant' posts to this thread only. Seriously. I don't want to inject that into every conversation...or even into several. Only here. If others are starting to have this opinion...they can join me...
  4. E

    Silver Lining

    THE KEY TO EVERYTHING is Garcia & Christie returning next year. Therefore I can't be upset if they slow down a little bit now. Garcia's 12 & 12 was good. But at least he didn't go-off for 25+ like he sometimes does. Christie's 8 pts on 2-13 shooting shows he needs another year. It's nice to...
  5. E

    If Mitchell Jr., Hawkins, Ola-Joseph, Garcia, & Payne all return next year...we could be good.

    What are the chances that these 5 all return? My favorite thing is to watch a good team with the starting lineup all returning the next year. It's happened twice in my lifetime. Haskins' Final 8 (should have been Final 4) and Final Four teams.
  6. E

    Kirby Puckett

    My headline might seem off-topic. But it's really not. I could have said 'Deion Sanders' attitude & behavior'....but I wanted a hard-hitting headline. How can Sanders sleep at night. Why doesn't anyone call him a scumbag. Period. Puckett was so positive. Puckett is becoming more...
  7. E

    Tied at halftime. Fumbled away a chance to take it to the wire. But not abysmal.

    Jackson made a big play...and yeah, he fumbled. I'm simply trying to stay positive...and give the opposing viewpoint to the blaring headline of abysmal.
  8. E

    Gophers 5* signee receives $500K offer to switch to Louisville

    Sure he also says freshman Henley is allowed to play through mistakes...implying that he doesn't like that kind of coaching. But does that sound believable? He had to say something.
  9. E

    I said I'd quit following college sports as soon as we lose a key player via transfer

    And I meant it. I consider Evans a key player. These new rules of paying players and's simply not something I have any interest in. It's not college sports anymore. My time is MUCH better spent getting into the gym myself than giving a crap what some 'Gopher' does that I...

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